I have two questions. Which Red Leather Offhand to get? / About respec


1. My Rogue is an Assassin Rogue but I switch to Shield in certain circumstances. Would it be better to get the Red Leather Buckler for myself or the Red Leather Shield for my Agility build Grissenda? I saw she can eventually get a better fire resistant shield but that looks like one of the final bonus dungeons and is maybe 40hrs off at least. What did you rogues choose?

2. After using Ancient Tolassion Tomes, when I respec do I regain all points including those added by the Tomes? I'm afraid to figure it out by multi saving and jumping back and forth and accidently saving over a file.


1. Better to choose Red Leather Shield for Grissenda as Hirge can also use it if you change companion and besides, you're a rogue so you need more damage output than defense and you also have Evasion skill to boot.

2. All of it still there permanently, no need to worry if you reset your traits.


Staff member
Player preference.

Most players using an Assassin Rogue build will likely suggest reserving the rogue's off-hand slot for a weapon, not a shield, on the theory that damage output is better than defense for the build. So on that note, getting the Red Leather Shield for Griss would serve you better. You're not likely to use the buckler that much and keeping Griss in a fight longer makes her more useful to your assassin build.

Counter point: Give that Griss gets to choose from a wide range of fire protection shields , including the easy to get Shield of the Forge and the top tier shield Shield of the Dragon Hunter, you might want to snag the Red Leather Buckler as the highest fire protection shield for the Rogue. If you need the fire protection, it's there for you.

Keep in mind that given the diminishing returns on elemental protection, getting above 110 resistance rarely alters real-feel combat abilities (presuming you still will do some healing anyways). Between rings, cloaks, skills, and potions, it's not to hard to stay in the 110 to 150 range against an element type.

A raw score of 110 fire resist gives 75% protection against fire damage. So if any enemy does 30 points of fire damage, that's reduced to about 8. A raw score of 150 (40 points higher), gives 85% protection, which reduces to about 5 points of fire damage. 3 points per hit might add up but in boss fights, you're likely going to use some healing potions, or doge getting hit anyways, so you likely won't see much of a game play difference. The difference is even less noticeable against enemies that hit with far less elemental damage (10 to 20 range). There are certain exploding enemies that having a high resistance might give you a little more room to breath if you can't outrun the blasts.

So while there are different tactics an difference theories, it really is up to you.


Am I able to get Shield of The Dragon Hunter or Infernal Aegis if I sneak through and Recall? I have a +20 fire ring and can farm gold to buy multiple Greater Potion of Fire Resist's to get through if necessary.

My Character Stats

Edit: Not sure why you cant see the pics.

Mode Note: Photos not working so deleted them for now to avoid the large blank space issue.


Terantatek":21ka8ihl said:
Am I able to get Shield of The Dragon Hunter or Infernal Aegis if I sneak through and Recall?
Unless you're playing on Iron Man difficutly, no reason why can't try for yourself and see ;) Just create a save before it and then go all out. If you don't like the result load your 'before' game back. Answer to this type question depends a lot on player skill, build, preparedness, and a bit of luck sometimes. One person maybe can't and another can.

That said, the room where the dragons are is pretty big and you might be able to sneak around them unnoticed if you wait for them to move away. Try pulling the smaller enemies outside the room and killing them first if you can. I remember there are many spike traps around the chest containing Shield of the Dragon Hunter, so it might be difficult. Also the chests contain many other items so go with a free inventory or you'll regret it, the items will disappear if you leave the dungeon. You can also use your companion/summons as a decoy while you get to the chests.


Staff member
Owns":1jnwqgjz said:
.... go with a free inventory or you'll regret it, the items will disappear if you leave the dungeon. You can also use your companion/summons as a decoy while you get to the chests.
+1 on those two points.

Never underestimate the usefulness of using even a low grade summon wolf to distract an enemy.

Make sure to take ALL items from one-time-only chests as otherwise they are gone forever. I think the game now has an in-game warning about that now.


Staff member
Terantatek":no2t55o0 said:
Am I able to ... sneak through and Recall?

You can ONLY do the in-and-out sneak raid with items that are in chests, not items that are dropped by defeating a mini-boss. So, you have to beat the Greater Demon to get the Infernal Aegis, but you can raid the chest in Bappasalar Cave without killing anything. Well, in theory, you can run past every monster, but you might find it easier to kill a few on the way, least you have 100 creatures chasing you.

Keep in mind that to reach Babbpasalar Cave, you have to have certain aspects of the game completed.

While there are some advantages of racing ahead to sneak out higher tier items earlier in the game, I find the game more enjoyable if I play through it quest wise, getting the items as I come to them.
