How to fight BOTH Flame Prophet and Undermother


New member
MOD Note: Moved this to it's own thread.

I'm kind of new to posting on here so I apologize if this is the wrong thread for this but it seems somewhat related to my question and also fairly recent, so here goes.

I am trying to get the drops from both the flame prophet and the undermother but i'm having trouble finding the right way to activate both encounters without losing the option to fight one or the other. I would really hate to have to start another character but I would also like to know sooner rather than later. Any help is appreciated.

Also, sorry if i'm posting in the wrong spot. I also appreciate any guidance on that topic.

Thanks for taking the time to read.


There should be a detailed walkthrough on the wiki but basically you first talk to the undermother she tells you about the shard in the flame prophet. Then when you meet the flame prophet she will tell you that there is another shard in the undermother, then say the option that is something like “sorry but the undermother is super powerful I’m just going to kill you” then go back to the undermother and there should be a hostile option that goes something like “your daughter told me there’s another shard in you, time to die”
Like I said this is just based off my memory so to get a better answer check the wiki.
Also please don’t necro-post. Next time you have a question make a new post.


Staff member
That's pretty much it.

The Flame Prophet's loot is the best fire protection in the game. The Undermother's loot is a bit outdated as there's a lot of good armour in the game. So if you're making your choice purely on drop quality, you can kill the Flame Prophet and let the Undermother live. Otherwise you're fighting the Unweakened Undermother and that's a beast of a fight.

Up to you.


New member
Thanks a lot for the info. One time I tried and I guess I did it in the wrong order because the prophet disappeared as soon as I killed the undermother. I was so pissed I quit playing for a few weeks before I started a new game, lol. At this point why I want to do this is, I guess, mostly just because I decided it was something I wanted to accomplish a long time ago and now I finally have the time to do it. I played up to about level 20 on each type of character at least once but due to losing phones/ not having access to electricity during bouts of homelessness and the height of my addiction as well as the beginning of my recovery, I frequently lost my save files or just didn't have time to finish developing the characters like I wanted. So now that I have my life together and some time I wanted to go back and do everything I always wanted to on this game that I love which saw me through some really rough times.

Thanks again for your help and for your time in reading this.

And as a side note, thank you to David for making the best game that I have yet to ever find on Android. It helped me a lot to have something fun to escape to during some very difficult and painful experiences and it's something I still continue to enjoy. I hope that some day after I've mastered coding maybe we can collaborate on something else awesome like EK. 😁
You and everyone involved with this game are all awesome people and may have actually helped to save my life by just making your game available enough to have reached me. And who knows what positive effects you may possibly have contributed to other people's lives as well. I hope you'll keep doing what you're doing for a very long time. Stay awesome my friends.


New member
I beat the unweakened undermother fairly easily with a lvl 25 mage wielding the corruptor and grissenda wielding melporths sword and wearing the amulet of dark whispers for stun immunity. I gave both characters as much spirit resistance as possible and used potions of clarity. That way Grissenda took the hits and i could keep my mage at a distance. I only had to use one circle of restoration scroll.
I wish i had tried to do this ages ago. It was easy.
I tried three times at first but the paralysis kept getting me. Id say the most important thing
is spirit resistance and stun immunity.
It was also helpful to have staff mastery for the slow effect which made it easy to run away to use circle of restoration. I also used lightning bolt for the stun effect.
Zann (Australia)
