How to defeat kalagru lvl 31 hell beast from the abyss.

Glass Cannon

The Netherlands, Utrecht.
Mam 30 poziom Wojownika. 11 punktow ataku (z ekwipunkiem), skile 36-42, Pancerz 45, zycie 1162. Atakuje demona z towarzyszem Agadeonem - Lotrzykiem, bo wydaje mi sie, ze najbardziej go zjezdza -ma dwa miecze. Uzywam sam oczywiscie adamantowego miecza. Zolte buteleczki sa ok mam ich trzy tylko, takze miksturki Gallade, oraz zastrzyki. Nie moge poki co ubic potworka, niewiele mi brakuje. Pozdrawiam i powodzenia. LordHulio89
Hej Panie, dziękuję za informacje, zabiłem go już kilka razy, a łup nie jest tego wart, ale zmusza cię do zbudowania go w ten sposób, aby go zabić, to wyzwanie, ale możesz.

Z poważaniem


New Member
I'm playing a level 24 warrior on normal mode. I couldn't beat Kalagru even after finishing the Ark of Lothasan (the agreeable way) with a bunch of great gear (Adamantine sword, etc.) because I'd invested 5 points (without counting bonuses) in each of the three good conversation traits (personality, etc.). So, my HP and DPS weren't high enough, he'd always subtract damage far too fast for Hirge to be allowed to use another Circle of Restoration (I couldn't use them myself).

Took me awhile to realize what I needed to do. I went to New Garand, and I paid the Warrior's Guild person to reset my trait point and skill point selections. Then, I got the loreseeker in the Great Library to teach me to use scrolls that require mana even though I'm not a wizard.

I invested most of my trait points in strength (I got the base all the way up to 10), and a bunch in endurance, and only as much as needed in the others (2 personality allows you to get the +10 DPS "build up each swing" bonus against an enemy you're hitting multiple times that you learn in... Nivarian?... in the Warrior's Guild). I had only as much agility as needed for the Fury skill.

Then, for skills, I bought up to the second level of the "use magical scrolls" trait (to reduce HP sacrifice, since each HP point and damage point is precious against Kalagru), and I specifically did NOT invest any points in the skill that increases your daily full heal button occurrences, or anything in Flurry (because Kalagru is one enemy, and that skill is all about hitting multiple enemies). I instead maxed out the skill where you spin in a circle (Slash?), the one where you cut through enemies, the one for shielding, etc. Basically anything useful for Kalagru. Maxed out my Fury skill, too.

Then I bought 40 Circle of Restoration scrolls (overkill... I think I used maybe 10 or 15, I thought it would be harder based on my past experience) from the lady in the Great Library. And then I sailed from New Garand to New Anthur, went up through the Solligan Strip, and tried again!

Basically, in the fight, both my characters (main and Hirge) could now interchangeably use the Circle of Restoration scrolls, and if he ever decided to focus on Hirge (because I would maybe use a skill to slash through him that would carry me a bit away), I could use a scroll to bring her back, and then she could use one to regenerate my health. After about two or three tries, I got him!


Staff member
A bit of a necro post but I can see it's on topic.

First, congrats on your first victory over the lazy boss. He's a tough one.

Combat based builds have a better chance at beating him so it make sense you had an easier time after re-setting your build.
The most common reason to learn Magical Training is gaining use of Restoration Scrolls, often for that particular fight.

Plenty of peaceful ending builds have beaten Kalagru. Those are Warriors / Rogues that have geared to passing the trait checks. So it's possible, just a bit harder than using a combat build. They've done it with all three companion options, with pros/cons to each pairing.

But many players take the route you did, re-set for that particular fight.


New Member
Thanks! I don't know how people do it otherwise... I'm probably not being creative enough. After sinking lots of time into my first run through the game (and as a bit of a completist), I just wanted the peace of mind of knowing I was "done". And sorry for the late post... I just hadn't seen similar posts for my build (though it sounds like you've said others do the same, so I probably didn't crawl through the pages enough!) This wiki has been invaluable, so I wanted to give a little something back if somebody else stumbles on this.



You should have high STR then END as a 2H warrior but you can have some social skills.

A solid Warrior-way of spamming consumables on a hard boss is to grind a lot of Potions of Lesser Restoration for yourself and let Hirge (who is set to not-attack) do the Scroll version. The cooldown on each is 6 seconds so providing your enemy is not removing half your HP every 3 seconds you keep alternating between her Scrolls and your Pots. And she'll throw in the occasional Heal III in there too - she's nice like that.


Staff member
The idea of telling Hirge to stand away and not fight is often overlooked by most players. It's a brilliant way to keep her alive.
It's a long fight that way, but it's a long fight no matter what.


New Member
I agree. I've asked Hirge to stand off to the side and heal me in other fights. I don't know what it was about this particular build, but my health was falling fast enough that her heals alone couldn't cut it. First time through, so I made some silly choices... purchased one of the bear summoning skill, for example. I didn't have any +2 trait enhancing gear, and I'd forgotten to go back and get the really great belt from the Ark... I think I'd gotten it once and then died, and forgotten about it. Anyway, I'm sure you're absolutely right, it sounds like others agree that having her stand off to the side and act as a healer is a great approach here!


The lazy demon knows his defeat more easily through the warrior using the two-handed Adamantite sword, combined with Battle Fury (which cuts the paralysis effect for a few moments), using also the hurricane skill + charge, believe me, you can do it do good damage
