How to change difficulty midgame?


I desperately need to change game difficulty to easy, so I can quick save in dungeon!
Control in this game is very clunky, but I endured so far, until I'm doing a quest to save a loremaster near New Gr.. whatever that city's name!

I was level 6 and I died a lot, start from the beginning over and over, finally I killed the boss and am ready to escort that women out, but guess what happened next! She's not very fond of Adaon, so instead stick together she choose to step on that already-spotted-spiketrap, then she's dead! Just like that! After all I've done! Frustrating! Simply Frustrating!

Btw, the guy that gave the quest says I'm allowed to trade in their library, but those NPCs are still blocked by iron bars, pls tell me this is normal that I only need to progress further.


Well-known member
You cannot change the difficulty once you've started a game, sorry.

The bars will disappear once you've rested at least 12 hours allowing the area to reset.

As for that quest, walking over spike traps like that happens. All I can say is be more careful in watching where followers are in relation to you. If you want to make that quest easier, there is a secret passage that cuts out the area full of skeletons and minimises the number of enemies you have to kill.
Here is the map with these marked on: ... Nayau_Tomb
If you're having trouble detecting secret doors, then use a scroll of detection.

One final note, if you're having trouble in an area, you may want to look at your build and equipment and decide if something needs changing. Sometimes, it's worth coming back to an area or quest when you've leveled up. I would also recommend to new players to buy an extra recovery with their skill points, it will allow you to travel much further without needing rest.

Finally, don't be afraid to use potions and other consumables like scrolls. A lot of players hoard them and never use them, it kind of makes them useless.


Staff member
Also L6 is very early in game, so maybe just start new game?


JarrenDrahn":2h9mypt9 said:
You cannot change the difficulty once you've started a game, sorry.

The bars will disappear once you've rested at least 12 hours allowing the area to reset.

As for that quest, walking over spike traps like that happens. All I can say is be more careful in watching where followers are in relation to you. If you want to make that quest easier, there is a secret passage that cuts out the area full of skeletons and minimises the number of enemies you have to kill.
Here is the map with these marked on: ... Nayau_Tomb
If you're having trouble detecting secret doors, then use a scroll of detection.

One final note, if you're having trouble in an area, you may want to look at your build and equipment and decide if something needs changing. Sometimes, it's worth coming back to an area or quest when you've leveled up. I would also recommend to new players to buy an extra recovery with their skill points, it will allow you to travel much further without needing rest.

Finally, don't be afraid to use potions and other consumables like scrolls. A lot of players hoard them and never use them, it kind of makes them useless.

Too bad, I expected it somehow. Still it's good to know the library is just a reset issue.

About the quest, I found that secret door before I fight the boss, and that lady step on a spiketrap just near the secret door, it's kind funny now when I recall that situation. And indeed I died a lot to that room full of skeletons, but only because they stuck at the door and start to rapidly regenerating, making most of my spells wasted, if they don't always stuck and regenarating I can clear that room quickly by spamming rank 2 ice storm. Last, don't worry, during boss fights I chugged like I was playing Dark Souls XD


Alan_SP":2b6x16i8 said:
Also L6 is very early in game, so maybe just start new game?
Oh yes! I already started a new game with easy difficulty, everything was so fine except that auto regeneration mechanic. I still wish we can quick save in dungeon in normal difficulty though.


Well-known member
Mage is a very challenging class to play early game. It gets a lot stronger later on. I'm currently playing with a mage on hard, lots of deaths to start with.

Easy mode wasn't originally in the game. The developer designed it to be like old school rpg's where you couldn't save in dungeons to make it more challenging. It was only sfter a lot of people asked for it that casual was added. It is actually exactly the same as normal mode except you can save in dungeons and regen some health out of combat.


JarrenDrahn":3e4zrdhr said:
Mage is a very challenging class to play early game. It gets a lot stronger later on. I'm currently playing with a mage on hard, lots of deaths to start with.

Easy mode wasn't originally in the game. The developer designed it to be like old school rpg's where you couldn't save in dungeons to make it more challenging. It was only sfter a lot of people asked for it that casual was added. It is actually exactly the same as normal mode except you can save in dungeons and regen some health out of combat.

It is not that hard, the most hard part is not even monsters, I can't save in dungeons, fine, I could just run back to the entrance, or try to kite, but the clunky control always make my character stuck on some place, like doors, open the door, and he may stuck on the wall for ~1 second, then monsters chased him up and then chopped him, meh...


New member
Dungeon saving isn't a problem for me, I could see why they would add this feature but I don't definitely like how the monsters on my quests adjust to my level when I grinded for levels to make it an easier quest to deal with later. I searched youtube for walkthroughs and saw people was able to complete quests at lvl 5 (loremaster pt2, easy etc) and I'm level 12. The level 5 ghosts in easy are lvl 6 ghosts in normal.
(was asking google if it's possible to xhange diff and lead me to this thread)

