How do Companions get Advanced Skills?


Active member
Can a companion join a guild, and if so, how?
The question stems from something I just noticed. For the past couple of months I've (Mage) been wandering around without a companion, trying to level up as quickly as possible. But today I grabbed Griss to go for a walk and noticed that she had some available skill points to use. I thought it would be good to give her "Duel", which according to the wiki requires membership in the Warrior's guild. So I went to Sergeant Daukar in New Garand (who trains Duel), but I can't see anyway to sign Griss up in the guild. I started thinking that maybe those skills requiring guild membership are only available to the main character, but then I noticed that my Griss has "Heavyhand" (maxed), which also (according to the wiki) requires guild membership. My question is how did Griss end up with "Heavyhand" when she apparently isn't a member of the guild? I don't remember what I did, or if I did anything, to give it to her. Any help on this would be appreciated.

Also, the wiki (in the "Main Companion" section) says this: "Currently, there is no way to train a companion's Advanced Skills."
That doesn't make sense to me since my Griss has several advanced skills that she has been trained in.

Mod Note: Changed tittle to better describe post.


Staff member
Companions CAN NOT join guilds. They do get a limited number of pre-set advanced skills when they complete their individual Companion quest. For Griss that would have been when you finished a certain vampire filled castle. She has to be in your party for you to start / complete that quest.


Active member
Thanks VDX. So if those "pre-set" advanced skills are only given upon completion of a certain quest, what happens to them if you reset your companion's traits and skills. Darema Brighthammer in New Garand tells me that if I do that it will also "forget learned advanced skills". If those skills are forgotten, and the only way Griss got them was by completing a quest (which can't be completed again), are those skills then gone forever?


Staff member
Resetting skills works a little differently for your Main Character and your Companion.
For your Main Character, yep, re-setting skill points, resets everything. You have to re-pay the 5,000 or so gold per Advanced Skill. That's party due to the fact that certain Advanced Skills have prerequisites you don't meet when you reset. (Partly due to the Game Developer just not liking you... it's totally personal!).
For Companions, they'll reset assigned skill points but won't have to relearn their advanced skills they learned at their growth moment. They'll still have to meet the minimal requirements to spend skill points in that Skill (e.g. STR 4 for Heavy Hand). But you won't have to pay anyone to teach them the skill.
