I know it can spoil the housing system in game but i'm just curious because I haven't tried it yet so I just want to ask, can we buy every house in all kingdoms' capital or just the two or three of them in one playthrough?
That's a great question that might not have a final answer until Version 1.0 is released.
As of v.0.9.982, there are two places to buy houses. Note, houses aren't "required" for the game, but can be useful as they: 1) A place to find all your companions, 2) Extra storage, and 3) A free place to rest (but by the time you can afford a house, inn fees are nothing).
Also, on that note, and worth putting in the feedback, is currently the House in Nivarian might be the better house. It's bigger, got a water front view and oh yeah, has direct access to the Town Vaults (the one's that can be accessed any in Town Hall). It seems more expensive too but that's also based on Reputation.
It's unknown if the house in New Garand will get a Town Vault Sphere with a later update.
It's unknown, but seems likely, that the other Capitals will also have houses for sell. Likely the purchase price will be impacted by Reputation etc but that's a guess.
Have you tried buying both houses in Nivarian and New Garand in one character? I like how you expanded the topic because I know somebody out there is also curious about the vaults you said.
Have you tried buying both houses in Nivarian and New Garand in one character? I like how you expanded the topic because I know somebody out there is also curious about the vaults you said.
Currently there are only TWO houses for sell in the game. A later update *might* include houses at the other capitals.
On the idea of houses, can we have ways to buy house items? I've nay-sayed a roof-top hot tub but you know that cage you find Adaon? Can we get one of those? I'd feel safer in I knew Adaon was locked up in a cage rather than just having free access to my house and all my stuff.
I have both houses to, to be honest togetter its a bit expensive.... but you doing it for the stashes are good and indeed all companions under 1 roof and a free sleep.... now we need a decoration shop
But its totally worth it ( not a required for the game but good for collectors and perfectionists like me ).
@VDX 360:Yes its only two,for now,,,hopefully in updates of the game we will have chance to buy a house in all kingdoms,,,maybe we can adds some ornament in it,,,nah Adaon its okay,i think he feel sorry what he have done...
@Glass Cannon:I have them too,,,yes you right,its rather expensive,had to hunt more monsters and save enough for the Houses,,,well,i'm sort of collectionist,i even still kept the Ithharak head,,don't know what to do,but i'll keep it,maybe in the upcoming updates i will use that head....
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