So I've completed all current content. I spend my days just wandering the land taking on the odd Rumor Boss when they appear and generally doing good.
Idle hands are the Devils playground as they say and It got me thinking...
What if I started hiring mercenaries, As you know they aren't made of the same stuff as companions... Could I in theory clear the land of mercs by hiring them and taking them into situations they are ill equipped to survive?
Do they just keep spawning, do the same ones re-appear?
Asking for a friend
Idle hands are the Devils playground as they say and It got me thinking...
What if I started hiring mercenaries, As you know they aren't made of the same stuff as companions... Could I in theory clear the land of mercs by hiring them and taking them into situations they are ill equipped to survive?
Do they just keep spawning, do the same ones re-appear?
Asking for a friend