Currently, the game has good content for up to level 8, partial content from 9-12, and clearly too little content on level 12+. Yes, if you're level 20, and have grinded up to the best gear, played 70+ hours, you'll stomp over things, it's normal. In this RPG and in any other out there, except MMORPGs.
Just to give some perspective, I work around 15 hours/day in this game, seven days per week. In the last years, I have played no videogames nor read any books, maybe I watched 5 movies. No one wants this game finished more than I do, believe me.
I guess I could just make a few maps and throw level 15-25 monsters in, change their color, add a level 30 boss with 1000hp that hits for 100, and call it "finished". Instead, in each new content update, I introduce new mechanics, new items, new carefully planned quests and encounters, dialogues (that takes a lot of time). I try each new place to feel different. A game like this takes years to develop to a full crew, I am going to finish it in 2 years and a half (from April 2014 to July-august 2016). I would love my players never running out of content to play, but I don't have magic powers, and I will never, ever, do things in a rushed way nor compromise on quality.
The next major update will fill many gaps and add a lot of stuff. And at some points, all mechanics required will be working, and I'll be able to focus on content alone, so it'll probably go faster from there. Please, patience.