Help with agi cleric/warrior character


Hi, first post :3
First of all, i am from Chile on SudAmérica so i am not good with english. I hope you ppl will understand my post lol

I played the free version a lot, before buying the complete (ongoing version) of the game.
My name is Frann and i play this with my BF, both of us played D&D roleplaying game... so when we meet this game we just fall in love with it.
Well this post its because i need some tips... i only have 2 a warrior and a cleric

Sussy Doombringer (Lvl 8 Cleric)

1h/shield cleric, with Light hammer weapon, its a shame this is the best one i got


Heal wounds II
Arbenos might III
Crusader I
Nivarias Barrier II
Intervention II


Mariella Mert (Lvl 8 Warrior)


1hand/Shield warrior


And thats the best weapon i was able to get.
Shield expert III
Fury II
Cleave III

Well am not really well with my stats distribution, i hope you can give me some tips... with both of them i am killing minotaurs, trying to get more exp to lvl in a fast way...
Is there a way to reset stats?
Is there a better place to lvl with my current noobish lvl 8.

Thanks... to developers for this masterpiece, thanks to the one who will read this post (even if you dont answer :3. ), and.... gracias por entender mi pésimo ingles.


Hola y bienvenidos. No worries on the language, we even have a Spanish help thread somewhere in the general forum if you need help and don't want to translate.

1. Yes. You can reset your character (including traits and skills) at one of any of the three available guilds. You do not have to be a guild member, simply able to enter the guilds meeting place. For example, the Warrior Guild requires you complete the Fort Assault quest at Kingsbridge before you can enter their training ground. Talk to everyone in the guild and one of them will eventually offer the reset functions (each reset costs more than the last, so save before if you want to play around with a few options)

2. If you have not explored the east coast (areas around New Anthur), you can net some nice equipment doing those quests. Both your agility based toons will benefit greatly from Icicle, a weapon rewarded at the end of a quest.

3. Check out the forum's 'post your level up' sticky for build ideas. It seems like you're on the right track, just need to get some better equipment.


feldon":10l1csxr said:
Hola y bienvenidos. No worries on the language, we even have a Spanish help thread somewhere in the general forum if you need help and don't want to translate.

1. Yes. You can reset your character (including traits and skills) at one of any of the three available guilds. You do not have to be a guild member, simply able to enter the guilds meeting place. For example, the Warrior Guild requires you complete the Fort Assault quest at Kingsbridge before you can enter their training ground. Talk to everyone in the guild and one of them will eventually offer the reset functions (each reset costs more than the last, so save before if you want to play around with a few options)

2. If you have not explored the east coast (areas around New Anthur), you can net some nice equipment doing those quests. Both your agility based toons will benefit greatly from Icicle, a weapon rewarded at the end of a quest.

3. Check out the forum's 'post your level up' sticky for build ideas. It seems like you're on the right track, just need to get some better equipment.
Thanks, and yeah i write like a translate program... sucks that lol
Just a moment ago (10 minutes), i was able to enter to rogue guild and found the npc that reset stats.... 5k gold.... too much for now x.x
And its great that i didnt mess too much with my stats xD
I will try now those areas.... and do the quests... and i will take a look at the forum too.
Thanks again :)
