Guide: the Paladin, a Cleric build


Active member
Hi all,

Here it comes the Paladin, a build for the cleric class.

Paladins are defenders of the faith, which they will deliver with an iron fist. As warrior priests, clad in full plate, they will throw themselves fearless into the deadliest of dangers, sure their God looks after them.


Paladins prime balance over anything else, as they will need strength, endurance and personality. Ocasionally we might boost agility aswell, which gives flexibility to switch between hand and light weapons without hampering our damage outcome, and some extra armor comes in handy.

At level 9, template of the video below has STR 3, END 3, AGI 2, PER 3
Priority is to raise strength, but depending on its cost, we might switch to any of the other when leveling up. Efficiency taken into account. AGI 1, PER 1, END 1 might be a good start for first level.


Intervention is the pillar for the paladin, is God looking after you. At rank III, its heal ratio is 1/8, and this determines your gameplay as we explain below.

Crusader is must have, as you are a warrior priest, you will be fighting most of time, so you need this passive skill.

Arbeno´s Might is the other pillar of Paladins. This is your ONLY mana consuming skill, and along with intervention, determines your gameplay. I wouldn´t raise it over rank II.

Nivaria´s barrier goes with crusader. Passive protection is mandatory when you are being hit all time.

Extra Recovery is specially good for a cleric, because it recovers both your health and mana bars.

Dungeoneering. This is a personal choice of mine, because I play without companions. If you take a rogue companion, you won´t need it.


Full plate armour, best quality in town. Now, two handed (if you find it) or shield, up to you. Hand weapon or light, depends on weapons you´ve found, and also on your traits. If you focus on strength only, look for two handed clerical weapons, or shield plus the best hand weapon available. If you boost AGI, you have flexibility with both hand and light weapons.


Paladin is very straightforward. No tricks, no fooling around, no kicks or traps or jumps. Engage, tank, crush, and if you die, God saves you so you can keep demolishing evil from the world. Your only activable is Arbeno´s might. So, calculate how much mana you need to get a complete heal from intervention. Go around casting AM until you have that much mana left, then fight until you die and God intercedes healing you completely, keep going, when you are low on health, use recovery to get both health and mana bars full. Rinse and repeat.

So, basically, with Extra recovery I, you have six full health bars to hunt around, and this without using a single pot. When you are with mana and can cast AM, you hit way harder and can face tougher encounters. When God is NOT looking after you, need to be careful and not wait too much to click on recovery.

Example. If you have 120 HP, you need 15 mana to have God completely healing you when you die. If you have mana 30, you can cast AM rank I five times and then, trust yourself to God. Pay attention to these numbers as you gear and level up.

A mana potion of +20 gives 160 health. Don´t waste your money on healing pots, you are expected to be poor and donate to the church. Now, a bigger mace is faithful investment. Look for mana pots, if you can find them.

Here is a video with a few minutes of gameplay of the paladin build, at level 9. Hope you like it:
Music: Not ready to die


- Elia

p.s. any suggestions, feedback, constructive criticism, etc.., is very welcome =) I know this probably differs A LOT from how most of people plays a cleric, but that´s why I love this game. So much chances of different gameplays and builds. Well, and the storyline too :)


Active member
I applaud you cuz I couldn't have gotten this far with that Lol. My traits are 4+1, 3+1, 2, 2, 1, 3+1. You're neglecting the cleric greatest skill.. holy fire. It's our "whirlwind".


Active member
GauzeB":3gq6glth said:
I applaud you cuz I couldn't have gotten this far with that Lol. My traits are 4+1, 3+1, 2, 2, 1, 3+1. You're neglecting the cleric greatest skill.. holy fire. It's our "whirlwind".

Yeah thanks man. It´s not really about neglecting any skill, just wanna create a coherent build. Sacred Fire is a great skill, but for a totally different build. I might write down a guide for it hehe, but first I am gonna do Barbarian (for warrior) and Assassin (for rogue).

Glad you liked it.

- Elia


Active member
Love the build ideas that was just a suggestion .. Didn't quite sound that way. I gotta get a certain maul for my cleric cuz I like bashing


Only thing is with that is that clerics can't use heavy armor like plate?
I'm currently playing a cleric and I've put 4 points into intellect. I'm also using mana boosting items and armour which puts my mana to 120 roughy, so I don't have to spend gold on pots all the time. And the only 2h that I know of that a cleric can use its that troll kings maul.


Active member
Well, I do hope that in the near future, David will release plate armor that clerics can use, and also more two handed weapons we can use, on top on troll king's maul.

I understand your point about INT, if you play a build that uses a lot of mana. For me in this build, I'd rather use the 10 trait point that takes raising INT to 4 to physical stats, such as STR, END Or AGI. I have PER 3 without any boosting ítem yet, so I am not really bad in mana.

Thanks for your inputs!

- Elia


Active member
Its David's world were all just visiting lol. I like your build ideas I'd like to see more. Aka the drunk cleric lol. Just straight up offense. Btw I just saw your avatar . Old school evercrack I miss it. What server?


Staff member
GauzeB":1a3eqeqg said:
Its David's world were all just visiting lol. I like your build ideas I'd like to see more. Aka the drunk cleric lol. Just straight up offense. Btw I just saw your avatar . Old school evercrack I miss it. What server?

We should open an EQ thread in the "RPGs, Life and the Universe" subforum... those were the days! ;)


DavidBVal":2fyhtndd said:
GauzeB":2fyhtndd said:
Its David's world were all just visiting lol. I like your build ideas I'd like to see more. Aka the drunk cleric lol. Just straight up offense. Btw I just saw your avatar . Old school evercrack I miss it. What server?

We should open an EQ thread in the "RPGs, Life and the Universe" subforum... those were the days! ;)
I never played EQ I was always Diablo player.
