Frustrated over quest order at beginning


New member
I've taken two quests from the first town hall, and both have seemed wayyyyy more difficult than I could ever hope to achieve at this level.

Like the second one I have to go into the Urzuganar Lair, which I have no business being in at this level (5).

It seems like there are quests I can get from the guard in Lannegar, but I don't have enough of a reputation for him to give them to me. And it seems like the only way I can get reputation is to do these impossible quests that I get from the town hall.


Staff member
That does put you in a small bind, better or worse depending on your difficulty setting, and build type. Side stepping the discussion about what builds can survive in the orc cave at Level 5, here's some things you can do (if you haven't already)

1) Get Grissenda as a Companion. Even at low levels, you can run past the skeletons and ghosts to grab the quest item. Run in. Run out. Presto you have a Companion.

3) Complete the other misc. quests in Lannegar and Northern Blue Mist River:
Forgotten Lore
Goblin Hunt
Gather ingredients
The Lost Explorer
The seed of trust
Head Hunting
Flesh is Weak
Where is Giles
A Warrior's Honor
Hunting bugs!
A Wild Mystery

4) Running Ydaya Tomb and Kleyou Tomb a few times each will give better equipment from random drops and chests (if you haven't already) and help level up.

5) Complete the misc. quests in Rhoneis, which are pretty easy.
Coyote Hunt
Shaking Bones
A safe bet (hardest of the three as it involves killing Minotaur but you can fight them one at a time).



Staff member
Also Exiled Kingdom is a long, non-linear game. Don't rush too far or you'll just get frustrated with the difficulty. On the flip side, don't feel you have to complete every quest in the order you come across them. Some quests will need to be put on hold till your higher level.

Putting some type of level lock on Town Hall quests might be a good idea, or at least some type of warning so you don't end up accepting a quest there's no way to complete.
