I tried to recreate it. Didn't get the XP in the battle log or in the XP tally (checked before and after). Current version. Graphic but no actaully XP awarded?
I didn't checked if I actually received experience, so, it looks that that sneaky Adaon stole something again from us. That Adaon, he's really, really... well, really skillful thief.
I'm getting inconsistent results with trying to recreate the hiccup. Having Hirge, Grissenda or no one with you when you first talk to the Magistrate seems to play a role in the issue so it might be how the game deals with the companion at the door issue. That or there's another factor yet to be identified.
I don't have too much time to toy around with the bug so may need to pass it off to more capable hands.
Just realized, it isn't my experience I saw. It is Adaon's experience he receives as half of my experience. Maybe if log reflects it? Anyway, I think mystery is solved.
Why is it the obvious answers elude me? Also, I realized that I had experience scrolls active in some the cases I was tested, which would alter the XP gained.
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