Passive skills like fury are now getting buttons? probably a bug. Version 806, reloaded game.
T Thomamop New member Joined 23/04/2015 Messages 9 25/09/2015 #1 Passive skills like fury are now getting buttons? probably a bug. Version 806, reloaded game.
DavidBVal Developer Staff member Administrator Joined 28/02/2015 Messages 7,506 26/09/2015 #2 It is a bug, fixed for tonights build, thanks.
R RahnTelose New member Joined 06/08/2015 Messages 7 27/09/2015 #3 yes, it is fixed. Came here to report the same bug, and after updating it is working fine. thanks for the button to reset skills.
yes, it is fixed. Came here to report the same bug, and after updating it is working fine. thanks for the button to reset skills.