Exiled Kingdoms Wiki - do you want to become an editor?


La Dorada, Caldas, Colombia
As most probably know by now, we have a wiki:


If you want to help out, that's great! We need all the help we can get. Please make sure you read the rules below, if you do not follow the instructions, the requested access will not be granted.

How to become a Loreseeker:

1. Go to the wiki above and sign up for an account using the same or very similar user name as the one you use here on the forums. If you already have an account and it is different than your user name here, let us know what your user name there is.

2. Reply to this thread letting us know you have signed up on the wiki and want to be a Loreseeker.

Inactivity (edited by David)

Keep in mind that, if you become inactive for a period of weeks or months, the admins might decide to revoke your Loreseeker status. There is no fixed rule about this, but if you make no contribution and weeks pass, it will certainly happen. If you have contributed a lot in the past but you decide to take a break for a few months, probably we'll not touch your status. In any case, nothing prevents you from asking to be a Loreseeker again if you want to contribute once more.

Non-english wiki: at this point, the wiki supports english language only. Other languages might be added in the future, but as of now that's how it is.


Staff member
First and foremost, I think kudos are due to the Wiki editors. It's a thankless job.

I wouldn't say the Wiki is missing a lot, just sometimes the occasional blank or outdated page. I -might- go though the Wiki this weekend to try to get an exact list but there doesn't seem to much problem with the Wiki as it's now. Also note on the Wiki Change Log, there's updates as recent as today.

Some of the random blank, or incomplete pages.
1) Combat.
2) Solliga
3) Weak Librarain description on Librarian entry.
4) Pretty much any description of a Town Hall Quest is missing (try here for some).
5) Warrior Build: 2-H is just blank (see here).

Some of the blanks stem from Wiki pages that aren't in use anymore, or from areas that aren't in the game (Solliga, for example).

I'm more concerned by inaccurate, or bizarre information than the occasionally room for improvement.


As most probably know by now, we have a wiki:


If you want to help out, that's great! We need all the help we can get. Please make sure you read the rules below, if you do not follow the instructions, the requested access will not be granted.

How to become a Loreseeker:

1. Go to the wiki above and sign up for an account using the same or very similar user name as the one you use here on the forums. If you already have an account and it is different than your user name here, let us know what your user name there is.

2. Reply to this thread letting us know you have signed up on the wiki and want to be a Loreseeker.

Inactivity (edited by David)

Keep in mind that, if you become inactive for a period of weeks or months, the admins might decide to revoke your Loreseeker status. There is no fixed rule about this, but if you make no contribution and weeks pass, it will certainly happen. If you have contributed a lot in the past but you decide to take a break for a few months, probably we'll not touch your status. In any case, nothing prevents you from asking to be a Loreseeker again if you want to contribute once more.

Non-english wiki: at this point, the wiki supports english language only. Other languages might be added in the future, but as of now that's how it is.
Hello, i would like to become an Loreseeker, but i've done my research and been told that it's currently impossible to create an account on wiki since you guys removed it for a special reason, which is too many bots creating the account.

Now, i've been also told that i can just contact you guys and tell you the username i would like to use and you guys create the account for me, i would like to know if that is possible and if there is any other requirements, for further notice, and anything else or the update with this, please contact me either here or on Discord. (Dmitri#1038)

I would like to help around edditing and other stuff such as helping others, i've been also in contact with another Loreseeker who helped me do this all.


Staff member
Now, i've been also told that i can just contact you guys and tell you the username i would like to use and you guys create the account for me, i would like to know if that is possible and if there is any other requirements, for further notice, and anything else or the update with this, please contact me either here or on Discord. (Dmitri#1038)
Since you have already been recommended by another Loreseeker, there's no reason why we should reject your application.
So shall "Dmitri" also be your Wiki user name or do you prefer something else?


Yes, that's fine, i had other account but it doesn't matter, it was an older one. If you are able to do it then sure.
Since you have already been recommended by another Loreseeker, there's no reason why we should reject your application.
So shall "Dmitri" also be your Wiki user name or do you prefer something else?


As most probably know by now, we have a wiki:


If you want to help out, that's great! We need all the help we can get. Please make sure you read the rules below, if you do not follow the instructions, the requested access will not be granted.

How to become a Loreseeker:

1. Go to the wiki above and sign up for an account using the same or very similar user name as the one you use here on the forums. If you already have an account and it is different than your user name here, let us know what your user name there is.

2. Reply to this thread letting us know you have signed up on the wiki and want to be a Loreseeker.

Inactivity (edited by David)

Keep in mind that, if you become inactive for a period of weeks or months, the admins might decide to revoke your Loreseeker status. There is no fixed rule about this, but if you make no contribution and weeks pass, it will certainly happen. If you have contributed a lot in the past but you decide to take a break for a few months, probably we'll not touch your status. In any case, nothing prevents you from asking to be a Loreseeker again if you want to contribute once more.

Non-english wiki: at this point, the wiki supports english language only. Other languages might be added in the future, but as of now that's how it is.
Hey, playing through and found a few places where some things could be added - links to where enemies can be found, etc. Can you add me as a Loreseeker? Smajor82 on Forum and Wiki


Staff member
@MikeB, This is VDX_360, one of the forum moderator. I'd like to get Wiki Editor access. My aim isn't to do too much editor of the Wiki, just smooth out a few places here and there. That might be a more efficient process than me trying to relay the occasional Wiki issue to someone else.


As most probably know by now, we have a wiki:


If you want to help out, that's great! We need all the help we can get. Please make sure you read the rules below, if you do not follow the instructions, the requested access will not be granted.

How to become a Loreseeker:

1. Go to the wiki above and sign up for an account using the same or very similar user name as the one you use here on the forums. If you already have an account and it is different than your user name here, let us know what your user name there is.

2. Reply to this thread letting us know you have signed up on the wiki and want to be a Loreseeker.

Inactivity (edited by David)

Keep in mind that, if you become inactive for a period of weeks or months, the admins might decide to revoke your Loreseeker status. There is no fixed rule about this, but if you make no contribution and weeks pass, it will certainly happen. If you have contributed a lot in the past but you decide to take a break for a few months, probably we'll not touch your status. In any case, nothing prevents you from asking to be a Loreseeker again if you want to contribute once more.

Non-english wiki: at this point, the wiki supports english language only. Other languages might be added in the future, but as of now that's how it is.
I want to become a Loreseeker! :D

I love this game and I want to help with everything that I can, especially and firstly with the brazilian portuguese translation.


New member
Como probablemente ya sepas, tenemos una wiki:


Si quieres ayudar, ¡es genial! Necesitamos toda la ayuda que podamos conseguir. Asegúrese de leer las reglas a continuación, si no sigue las instrucciones, no se le otorgará el acceso solicitado.

Cómo convertirse en Loreseeker:

1. Vaya a la wiki anterior y regístrese para obtener una cuenta con el mismo nombre de usuario o muy similar al que usa aquí en los foros. Si ya tiene una cuenta y es diferente a su nombre de usuario aquí, háganos saber cuál es su nombre de usuario.

2. Responde a este hilo informándonos que te has registrado en la wiki y quieres ser un Loreseeker.

Inactividad (editado por David)

Tenga en cuenta que, si permanece inactivo durante un período de semanas o meses, los administradores pueden decidir revocar su estado de Loreseeker. No hay una regla fija sobre esto, pero si no hace ninguna contribución y pasan las semanas, sin duda sucederá. Si ha contribuido mucho en el pasado pero decide tomarse un descanso durante unos meses, probablemente no tocaremos su estado. En cualquier caso, nada te impide volver a pedir ser Loreseeker si quieres contribuir una vez más.

Wiki que no está en inglés: en este punto, el wiki solo admite el idioma inglés. Es posible que se agreguen otros idiomas en el futuro, pero a partir de ahora es así.
Quiero ser un Loreseeker

Ya me he registrado....XxMasterXx
