Exiled Kingdoms removed from Play Store (EDIT: now published again!)

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Staff member
Edit Feb 8th: Google Play has accepted my appeal and asked me to modify the app description and resubmit. The game is live in Play Store again! thanks everyone for your patience

Original message below

Hello friends and players,

apparently there is a problem with the game's entry in the play store; Google sent me an email stating that there is a problem related with policy violations (keyword spam), and until it is sorted out, the game can't be downloaded, updated, or even purchased.

As you probably know, there was no spam, but there was mention of other classic games in my description. Everybody does it, but apparently, it is still a policy violation and it is randomly enforced.

Bottom line: Don't worry, it will be solved, and even if they force me to publish from scratch, it will make no difference for you players or your licenses (other than me wasting a lot of time and delaying development for a few weeks).


Re: IMPORTANT: Exiled Kingdoms temporarily removed from the Play Store

Seriously... one game that was original and not a clone, and they remove it? Unbelievable

Man, I imagine how you feel. I love your game, I'll wait for it to be sorted out, even buy it again if needed.


Staff member
Re: IMPORTANT: Exiled Kingdoms temporarily removed from the Play Store

Hope it will be soon solved in best possible way, with game back again on Play Store.


Re: IMPORTANT: Exiled Kingdoms temporarily removed from the Play Store

This is typical of these large corporations. Their sales drop and the CEO's tell the grunts to find out how and why this happened and resolve it! The result of their investigation, a 'mom and pop' store is takeing away from their profits. And they do everything they can to shut them down.

The culprit in this fiasco is most likely a game design company mentioned in your EK description.

After I do a thorough research to find out what company is behind this, I will get rid of all their game products, uninstall any games or apps from my phone and pc and cancell any subscriptions I have of this company.

Or maybe it was something you overlooked in tbe policy. Whatever the case maybe ...

like a dedicated fan once said ...
"Give'em hell Harry!!"

This is my opninion and mine alone without the influence of others!


Staff member
Re: IMPORTANT: Exiled Kingdoms temporarily removed from the Play Store

Well, this is their notification:

This is a notification that your application, Exiled Kingdoms RPG, with package ID net.fdgames.ek.android, has been suspended from the Google Play Store.

REASON FOR SUSPENSION:Violation of the spam provisions of the Content Policy. Please refer to the keyword spam policy help article for more information.

Do not use irrelevant, misleading, or excessive keywords in apps descriptions, titles, or metadata.
Do not engage in "keyword stuffing" by loading app descriptions with keywords out of context.
Your title and/or description must not attempt to leverage another popular product without permission.
Do not include user testimonials in your app description. They tend to be dubious and are frequently utilized to include references to popular search terms and competitor apps in violation of the policies outlined here. Let your users speak for themselves via Play's comment review system.
This particular app has been disabled as a policy strike. If your developer account is still in good standing, you may revise and upload a policy compliant version of this application as a new package name.

This notification also serves as notice for other apps in your catalog. You can avoid further app suspensions by immediately ensuring that no other apps in your catalog are in violation of (but not limited to) the above policy. Please also ensure your apps’ compliance with the Developer Distribution Agreement and Content Policy.

All violations are tracked. Additional suspensions of any nature may result in the termination of your developer account, and investigation and possible termination of related Google accounts. If your account is terminated, payments will cease and Google may recover the proceeds of any past sales and/or the cost of any associated fees (such as chargebacks and transaction fees) from you.

If you feel we have made this determination in error, you can visit this Google Play Help Center article.

The Google Play Team

They don't mention as a motive trademark violation, so in this case, I don't think it was a trademark claim. They seem to be concerned about the tampering of their search engine, and my description was quite long, with a thick list of features and that backstory text I wrote. I am certain it was that. But I figured, if they give me 4000 characters, why not use them fully and attract more searches? Apparently that is a mistake.

I prefer not to think too much about it until I get the reply to my appeal, which should arrive in 72 hours. If it is positive, all is good; I will trim the description and everything will be fine. If not, I will just re-upload, losing 14K downloads, 640 reviews (with 4.5 stars) and then instead of creating content, I'll spend time setting up a system to migrate all your licenses to the new app.

But all things considered, when compared to some real "bad news" some people receive in their lives, it is just a small bump in the road. I still have two arms, two legs, and my passion for creating games and telling stories. Better to learn from Google eccentricities now, after 6 weeks of going public, than in a year, with thousands of licenses to restore.

Thanks for your support and understanding, folks :)


Well-known member
Re: IMPORTANT: Exiled Kingdoms temporarily removed from the Play Store

Yes yes, google can be fun from time to time. :)


Well-known member
Re: IMPORTANT: Exiled Kingdoms temporarily removed from the Play Store

But i am also wondering that an update can take up to a couple days, always thought that its just a matter of minutes.


Staff member
Re: IMPORTANT: Exiled Kingdoms temporarily removed from the Play Store

Comm4nder":1w2ou4nh said:
But i am also wondering that an update can take up to a couple days, always thought that its just a matter of minutes.

It takes usually a few hours, but the last one was stopped by the app investigation and suspension, that's why days passed and people didn't get the update. Of course, I was not notified until today at 3 AM

Hours is reasonable. they do some checks for malware and other stuff, and it's a system for billions of users worldwide.


Re: IMPORTANT: Exiled Kingdoms temporarily removed from the Play Store

WATTT!!!!! mijn favoriete spel werd getrokken van Google Play voor een domme technische reden . . . Steek vloek woord hier . . . I'm confident you will rectify the situation david, however after 3+ years of disappointing games from the play store I say I will take a stand for this game. Let's all bash our brains against the wall for good ideas to help....who knows how to run a backdoor campaign to google


Re: IMPORTANT: Exiled Kingdoms temporarily removed from the Play Store

We're all behind you David.

If I said what I really thought about Google, you'd have to kick me off the forums. I won't even repeat what I said in my email.

Pinky and the Google":6ai0k157 said:
"So, what do you want to do tonight, Google?"

"Same thing we do every night Pinky, try to take over the world!"
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