Ivan the Immigrant
Here you can tweet about your current progress and status in game.
Currently I am still in Lannegar Valley, trying to reach Flamedancer Itharrack. I have killed all Goblins in the mine and killed first Imp(or whatever the name of that creature is) but I cannot pass another two Imps after that.
I have also reached colonists at Northern Bluemist river but haven't completed any mission there. I face a big problem, every time I go from Lanegar Valley to Northern Bluemist River that damn Gobblins always surround me from all sides no metter how many I killed before. They just pop up from everywhere...
Currently I am still in Lannegar Valley, trying to reach Flamedancer Itharrack. I have killed all Goblins in the mine and killed first Imp(or whatever the name of that creature is) but I cannot pass another two Imps after that.
I have also reached colonists at Northern Bluemist river but haven't completed any mission there. I face a big problem, every time I go from Lanegar Valley to Northern Bluemist River that damn Gobblins always surround me from all sides no metter how many I killed before. They just pop up from everywhere...