Drop rate of 100 Rumor bosses dragons


New member
Hello, I have killed 100 rumors bosses Dragons (yes, I have counted them), green, white and red, actually they have been more, but 100 since I started counting them, I really do not write exactly the number and name of the drops (now I regret), I sold the duplicate garbage that was droped, but I can say which were the most common drops:

- The most common were Lightning Blade, Heroic Helm, Petrified Wood Buckler, Blood Thunder, Gloves of the Explorer and Potions, most dropped these >70% (Drop rate: *****).
- The following were uncommon Justice, Imperial Trollhunter Bow and some scrolls, about a third dropped those, not so common but not so complicated to get > 30% (Drop rate weapons: *** Scrolls: ****).
- The most rare were Lionskin Leggings and Scroll of Recall (LOL!), between 3 and 8 dropped those, 3-8% (Drop rate: **)
- Those who were not dropped Primal Icicle, Righteousness, Ring of Vitality, Myrosian Breast plate and Ancient Tolassian Tome, 1% or less maybe (Drop rate: *).

Reference: http://www.exiledkingdoms.com/wiki/index.php?title=Green_Dragon

All this I did to get the Primal Icicle, but I did not get it, I'm not frustrated (yet) just a little tired.
Now that I think about it, I still do not kill Urcrymdrax (the snow dragon), which according to the Wiki can also drop the Primal Icicle, I'm considering killing it and reloading, I know it's dirty but I'm a little desperate.
The question is: do the dragons really drop the Primal Icicle? Thanks in advance.


Staff member
That is honestly impressive. You must have the worst luck that I have ever seen in this entire game. You killed over a hundred dragons and never got a Primal Icicle, Ring of Vitality, Myrosian Breast plate or Righteousness? I get one of those for every few dragons that I kill. Not getting a tome is normal though, those are super rare so that doesn't surprise me at all.

The worst luck I have had was trying to get the ring of unlife, but after a few dozen liches I got that one.

Also since you mention reloading, David fixed the random drops to stay the same even after reloading, making that impossible so are you maybe doing that already? Since that would explain why you are so unlucky with the drops that you get.


New member
BattleLord":37cf3wab said:
That is honestly impressive. You must have the worst luck that I have ever seen in this entire game. You killed over a hundred dragons and never got a Primal Icicle, Ring of Vitality, Myrosian Breast plate or Righteousness? I get one of those for every few dragons that I kill. Not getting a tome is normal though, those are super rare so that doesn't surprise me at all.

The worst luck I have had was trying to get the ring of unlife, but after a few dozen liches I got that one.

Also since you mention reloading, David fixed the random drops to stay the same even after reloading, making that impossible so are you maybe doing that already? Since that would explain why you are so unlucky with the drops that you get.

Really? why me? T-T, then if the dragons really drops the Primal icicle I will continue with my dragon hunt, until I get it.
I really have not done reloading by loot, only once when I killed the giant spider by the quest of the orbs in the second level of the minotaur's labyrinth, after that I accidentally sold my Stiletto without realizing it and kept playing, after some saves when I realized the only save slot with the Stiletto I had was before doing the quest of the orbs, when I killed the spider again gave me a different loot, first a hammer and then a bow, I thought maybe you could do reloading for loot, although I really do not like it but could be useful, but it's good to know that the loot is fixed, so I'm not going to waste time with the one time bosses.
Thanks for answering, wish me luck.


Staff member
Galo":274a1qnm said:
when I killed the spider again gave me a different loot, first a hammer and then a bow, I thought maybe you could do reloading for loot, although I really do not like it but could be useful, but it's good to know that the loot is fixed

Well, I need to clarify that it could technically work because if you go back far enough before killing the boss the loot is different. It's only fixed to prevent people from reloading the fight to get better loot but if you reload from a save file before doing that dungeon you can get different loot. That explains why you got different loot from the spider.

Anyway, good luck with your dragon hunt! I am sure you'll find your Primal Icicle soon, and probably get so much of them afterwards to make up for all your unlucky drops.


In Icemist under levels the two red dragons has higher chances I got an ancient tolassian tome after a couple dozen try mostly the loot I got from them two dragons are primal icicle and scolls.


It's a thread rez, but "Dragon" drops are Red & White Dragons (named or rumour) plus Zombie Dragon; plus also Dark Presence, Greater Demon, Kurg King, Carrion Lord, Lord of the Pit, Demonic Spider, and Undermother.

The exceptions are Urcrymdrax (a White Dragon, usually the earliest you encounter in game) and all Green Dragons; plus also Great Manticores. They get a "Dragon Lite" drop which excludes Primal Icicle, but contains the rare and valuable Lionskin Leggings. They're a fantastic pair of trousers for a Rogue.
