Hello, I am currently playing with a level 6 rogue and I don't understand how weapon speed, damage and DPS exactly work.
Of course I know what DPS is, damage per second. But with a Thief's Blade my DPS is higher than with a Steel Longsword, even if the longsword has a higher damage. Should I only care about DPS and ignore the other weapon stats?
And if yes... the inevitable questionis: Why are they there at all? can't you just show the weapon's DPS and be done with it?
I've read in another quest that you're adding fire/ice/etc weapons and armors. That's great. I'd like to see a poisonous dagger.
Finally: great game, I love the twists in the quests, and how the backstory unfolds, without actually having to read too much. I am really eager to talk to everyone because many conversations are witty and unexpected. But the two cities to the west of the river... ain't them a bit "sketchy" and empty? there isn't barely any NPCs or quests there. Probably still in progress ?
that's all
Of course I know what DPS is, damage per second. But with a Thief's Blade my DPS is higher than with a Steel Longsword, even if the longsword has a higher damage. Should I only care about DPS and ignore the other weapon stats?
And if yes... the inevitable questionis: Why are they there at all? can't you just show the weapon's DPS and be done with it?
I've read in another quest that you're adding fire/ice/etc weapons and armors. That's great. I'd like to see a poisonous dagger.
Finally: great game, I love the twists in the quests, and how the backstory unfolds, without actually having to read too much. I am really eager to talk to everyone because many conversations are witty and unexpected. But the two cities to the west of the river... ain't them a bit "sketchy" and empty? there isn't barely any NPCs or quests there. Probably still in progress ?
that's all