Companions' experience


Czech republic
On wiki is written that if you have companion, you get less of 20% XP than normally.

1. But how much XP companions get?
2. And what is effect of wisdom on XP they get?


Well-known member
To test real game results:

1. Dismiss your companion and kill something and note the XP gained
2. Go get your companion back and kill the same thing and note the XP gained for you and your companion
3. Compare your results


Czech republic
Alan_SP":jcm4k55m said:
Info from here: ... =142#p6781

-Companions now gain more XP (from 60% to 70%)

I'm not sure if they have use from XP bonus.

The more XP I get, the more XP they get. It was clear. I have switched log on, but I have not chance (for lack of time to do that) to note numbers, else I would count those percents.

So, it is question how wisdom affect XP gain for companion - if it increases gained XP from base given by basic ratio - or if it increases ratio.

For example:

basic ratio: 70%
basic XP: 1000
basic XP for companion: 700

effect of wisdom: 10%
bonus to base: 770
bonuis to ratio: 800


New member
Hi all, I'd like to share some observations in this topic

1. Grissenda from the very beginning of the game - easy to achieve on lev1, no matter the character you are playing, easiest with cleric+arbenos might1 (game diff. Hard). Stats after completion should look like this: warrior/rogue(2) 539/1000xp or cleric(2) 414/1000xp, Gris (3) 1000/3000xp

2.How much xp Gris(3) is gainig at this point:
killing creature(1) gives 5xp for me and 3 for Gris (she gets 60%of what I get)
- creat(2) 8/5 (62%)
- creat(3) 11/7 (63%)
-creat(4) 15/10 (66%)
How much with +7% scroll from Freetown
- creat(1) 5/4 (80%)
-creat (2) 8/6 (75%)
-creat(3) 11/8 (72%)
-creat(4) 15/11 (73%)
Quests e.g. Lost Explorer - 200xp alone, 160/112 with no bonuses, 160/120 with scroll for Gris.

As you can see Gris learns slower, a xp "gap" occures, larger with every creature killed or quest completed

3. My goal was to keep Gris as close to my level as possible for as long as possible. I equipped her with 2 rings +2%xp, built INT up to 3 on lev 6 (2 on lev4, using Tolasian Tomes of course) boosted with +7%scroll all the time, my INT 0 until lev6. What I managed to achieve:
Cleric(8) INT2 (+6%xp) 42k/48k xp, accompanied by
Gris(8) INT3 , +17% xp total bonus, 32k/48k xp, starting lev8

XP gap enlarged to 10k (and she was starting with 500 advantage)

At this moment Gris gains 74-77% of my XP,depending on creature level

-since our enemies level depend on level of main character it seems that boosting companions xp is useful, but overall companions "might" depends more on traits, skills and equipment than simple level count
-max xp bonus i got was 19% (additional 2% from wisdom1 pendant)
-no need for cleric INT build, 1 is more than enough, PER gives all mana you need, so if you decide to boost Gris xp you can leave your INT 0 to narrow the xp gap

Thats all folks - for now I suppose
Greatful for all sggestions, looking forward to hearing from you :)


New member
Few more things

1.Getting companion sooner/later - how does it affect his level and xp:
stats right after completing the quest, no xp modifiers

Warrior(4) 3340/6k xp, Gris(3) 1670/3k xp
War(5) 6311/11k xp, Gris(4) 3155/6k

War(3) 1237/3k, Adaon(3) 1097/3k
War(4) 3226/6k, Adaon(3) 1645/3k
War(5) 6306/11k, Adaon(4) 3201/6k

Companion gets ~half of your actual xp, except for early quest completion (main char. lev 2 and 3), so probably he's not going to be just 1 lev lower when aquired really late - this is for Gris and Adaon, their base lev is 3.

2.Leaving companion for some time - he will not gain any xp when you take him back to the team, obvious thing.
Switching companions - he will get half of xp you gained when running around with someone else (e.g. Gris will gain half of xp you gained when completing Mad Wizard quest with Adaon).
XP modifiers will not affect this amount, no matter what companion's INT is or what wisdom items he carries. Also it doesn't matter if there are differences in xp bonus between companions, it always is half of what you gained.

Haven't checked Hirge yet, I suppose she acts the same way. Only question is what's her base level.
