Changelog - list of all updates.

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Version - 13/1/2024​


• Adjusted the stats of Norrax, Sage Crabs and Gholazi.

Changes & Improvements

• Default quality settings upon installing the game will now be based on the system's hardware.
• Some missing basic items such as shields and bows added to vendors.

Content Fixes

• Quest Wielder of the Red Axe: added a resolution if you chose to just kill everyone. Just go and talk to someone in the outpost.


• Solved a crash that happened when VSync was set to "Fast". Still, we don't recommend this NVidia panel setting, as it seems to cause visual glitches with the UI.
• The Sixth Sense spell no longer erroneously a bonus to the pick locks skill, but to scouting as the description states.
• Totemic Might talent now works correctly.
• Random-generated party members could in rare instances not meet career requirements, due to race penalties. Fixed.
• Asleep and Prone effects will be removed after combat.
• Fixed issues with the dialogue with Falbur (road bandit).
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Version - 18/1/2024​


• The list of saved games will now load quickly, even if you have many files.


• Explorer difficulty now reduces enemy critical chance by 50%, and New School reduces it by 25%.
• New Karma optional setting added in Gameplay section (only has effect in Explorer and New School difficulties). Karma will ensure less "bad streaks" in attack rolls, while not having major impact on average rolled values.
• Bomig Burrower and Bomig Hatchling stats revised (mostly, corrected their extremely high critical chance).
• Nivaria's Word WP cost increased to 8 (actually, previous cost was an obvious error. Costed only 1 more WP than Nivaria's Hand).
• Some armored enemies, like bandits, were not receiving the appropiate penalty to dodge.


• Combat: walls, columns and other obstacles will no longer block the mouse when selecting enemies or grid squares.
• Fixed a memory leak related to the spell Ensnaring Tendrils, that would eventually slow down the game and maybe crash it.
• Psalm of Renewal spell now works correctly when cast in exploration.
• Fixed a bug introduced in build 375; enemies out of boundaries were normally added to the combat area correctly, but sometimes they could appear in unreachable spots or out in the ocean.
• Solved many issues with distant enemies becoming locked out of battle, especially in Nessera Caves.
• Fixed a crash that happened when your last party member died to a reaction attack.
• On rare ocassions at the turn's end, "guard" reaction attacks would instead take place against the first character in the turn (even if it was a party member!). Solved.
• Fixed many wrong grid colliders and small geometry/visual at the Devil's Horn and Nessera Caves.
• Fixed a possible "loop" in the conversation with Aszabar.


Staff member

Version - 27/1/2024​


• Using potions in combat now costs 4 AP instead of 2.
• Nivaria's Word had recently increased its cost to 8WP. After further analysis, it's set to 7WP now.

Changes & Improvements

• You can now sell stacks of items, not just one by one.
• New setting in Gameplay section, to keep open the character window after using an item.

Content Fixes & Adjustments

• "Goodfellows" will no longer respawn.
• Certain grate in the inner Galeb Crypt will no longer be open by default.
• Fixed an issue that made the switches in the upper Devil's Horn hard to target.
• Added a camping spot in Nessera Caves, and another at the bandit's canyon in the Peninsula(only usable after one of the resolutions of Wielder of the Red Axe quest is reached).
• Solved a number of minor geometry issues in the Peninsula.


• Combat movement between tiles at different heights could sometimes cost more AP/MP than displayed, which could lead to AI/pathing locks and bugs. Solved.
• Total AP/MP movement cost of long paths was sometimes erroneous due to a rounding error. This could lead to "running frozen in place" bugs. Solved.
• Solved an issue with stone guardian when it fell prone. This creature still needs animations adjusted, but it shouldn't affect gameplay anymore.
• Unseal scrolls can now be used correctly from the open lock ui.
• Arrow projectiles were not correctly rotated. Fixed.
• Corrected the description of Nivaria's Word spell. It actually heals 6+3d6 HP, not 4d6.
• Minor UI fixes.


Staff member

Version - 8/2/2024​

Changes & Improvements

• Party Stash chest added to the inn in Port Galeb, where you can safely store items. There will be a similar chest available at towns added in the future, with the same shared storage.
• Shops and Party Stash windows have been placed in a more practical way.
• Encumbrance partially implemented. Carrying too much weight can reduce your adventurers' Dexterity. Party inventory encumbrance still not implemented.
• The level of Armor Training required by armor pieces is renamed from "Penalty" to "Bulk".


• Armor mitigation has been revised and is now more relevant and less "random" when high armor characters receive hard blows or critical hits. More details have been published in the forums.
• Penalty to Dodge is now reduced by high Armor Training: If a character's Armor Training goes above an armor's Bulk stat, the dodge penalty will be lowered by 5% per extra point up to a maximum of 20%. This means, for instance, that light armor (normally -20% to Dodge) can eventually be worn with no dodge penalties when the character has 4 points of Training above the armor's Bulk.
• Static burst WP cost increased from 3 to 4.
• Adjusted the accuracy bonus of some weapons.
• Mechaedron base damage reduced, and increased cold damage by the same amount.

Content changes & additions

• New NPC/companion added near Icanos house in Port Galeb (but might not be there in your first visits to town).
• New choice given to end Tools of the Trade quest if you found the tools and prefer not to denounce Palderan.
• Longbows added to merchants and as uncommon drop from bandits.
• The camp location in Nessera no longer has camping props visible shile not camping.
• Characters no longer start the game naked.
• Improved the overall drops of bandits, and added a separate loot table for bandits beyond the outpost.


• Spells with a 2x2 tiles effect were in some instances displaced and not being cast exactly where the UI-target indicated. Fixed.
• Solved an issue that would not allow talking to your companions, saying you need more room even when in open spaces.
• Settings from the Gameplay tab were not properly being saved. Solved.
• Systems in Turkish language were encountering a multitude of issues caused by incorrect file decoding. Fixed.
• The "Goodfellows" had the wrong type of NPC sounds, fixed.


• New setting added in Video>Quality section to enable video hardware acceleration (only recommended in low-spec systems if you have trouble to see the intro video).
• New setting added in Video>Display section to limit framerate, good to lower the GPU workload.


Staff member
Version - 25/2/2024


-Quest The Academy is now completable. The initial dialogue has been altered, so the quest has been reset. To initiate it, walk the road just out of Port Galeb and meet Issam.
-Quest Justice from Above is now completable. The initial dialogue has been altered, so the quest has been reset. To initiate it, talk to the innkeeper in Port Galeb.

Features & Improvements

-Items can now be equipped directly from the Party Inventory, not just from the backpack.
-Backpack items can now be assigned to combat hotkeys.
-Party inventory slots doubled (from 32 to 64).
-Added an option to accelerate enemy animation speed during combat (in Settings>Gameplay).
-Character Window now displays information about the character's race when hovered.

Gameplay & Balance

-Party encumbrance: when Party Inventory exceeds the combined carry capacity of the party, exploration movement will be slowed down or even halted. Party encumbrance only has effect on exploration movement, and grants no character penalties.
-The weight from some items has been revised.


-You can no longer talk to dead companions.
-The combat panel(and hotbuttons) was sometimes not correctly refreshed when AP were spent or gained. Fixed.
-Dragging to equip items during combat now costs the required AP.
-Fixed several terrain and geometry issues in the Peninsula.
-Fixed an issue related to the paralysis effects of Blizzard Shards spell.
-The first character acting in battle was ignoring status effects during the first round. Fixed.
-Fixed a glitch that could display an erroneous character level and not allow the player to level up.
-In some cases, taking quest items from a container would not advance the journal as intended. Solved.
-Systems in turkish language were still showing some visual glitches, like when displaying items with a skill bonus. Fixed.
-Minor UI fixes.


Staff member
Version 0.7.7 - Build 398 - 29/2/2024

This small update includes minor fixes and adjustments related to the new features and quests released in the past update, but also a couple new options and tutorial improvements.

Features & Improvements

-You can now lower the game's difficulty (permanently) from the Party Options menu.
-Hovering over a saved game will now list its difficulty (only for new saves).
-New tutorial window when a companion is first recruited
-New tutorial warning if the player fails to find the available weapons before the first fight.
-Slightly adapted and simplified the item equip tutorial, since items can now be equipped from party inventory.


-Added a few minor fixes for the quest 'Justice from Above'.
-Fixed a displayed text error during character creation.
-Character encumbrance is now correctly updated after wounds are healed.
-Solved an issue in which certain quest corpses or containers could only be interacted with once.
-Torch or spell light is now correctly updated after camping.
-Character window position when the stash is open will still be correct if active character is switched.
-Fixed a few glitches in the Peninsula minimap (red dots).
-Combat camera would sometimes become dislodged after an enemy is killed with a reaction attack. In this update the camera will automatically correct its position if an incorrect one is detected.


Staff member
Version 0.7.8 - Build 404

Gameplay & Balance

-Alchemy and Crafting skills implemented. You can now combine new items from ingredients while resting at camp. More "recipes" will be added in future versions. For some of the new ingredients required in recipes, check Myrelle the trader in Port Galeb.
-New skill mechanics. Characters no longer have a fixed % value for each skill, but a Rank (raised by skill points), and a small bonus (derived from traits, etc.). If rank is equal to difficulty, success chance is 60% + bonus. Each skill rank above difficulty grants +20%, and each rank below reduces it by -40%.
-New Resistances system. There are now three resistances: Vitality, Spirit and Mind. Elemental damage can be prevented with Protection, which works differently from percentage resistances.
-Enemy attacks with special effects can now be resisted. For instance, spider poison has a chance to be resisted by Vitality, while ghost paralysis can be resisted by Spirit. check the enemy attack info for details (if your Mythology skill is high enough).
-Default difficulty when starting a new game is now "New School".
-Meditation skill revamped. Now it gives a chance to recover some of the spent willpower after battle.
-Spell "Regrowth" (Animism rank II) is now implemented.
-Spell "Outrage" (Mentalism rank I) is now implemented.
-Spell "Minor Miracle" (Piety rank II) is now implemented.
-"Psalm of Renewal" now heals 2d6+SP instead of 1d6+SP.
-Experience rewards gained from quests or skill checks are no longer dependant on the party size (combat XP is still divided among party members).
-Accuracy per-level progression adjusted. Basic careers will now grant +1 to +3 weapon accuracy per level and, rarely, +4 (previously the range was 1-5). This will bring little change in the first few levels.
-Base accuracy formula adjusted slightly. The result shouldn't differ much from previous formulas, but it prevents some very high values at level 1.


-First aid items now provide different healing bonuses as stated in their description.
-Fixed performance drop in Nessera Caves.
-Spending APs for Attack Focus will now work correctly with Charge and other special attacks.
-Solved several spawn issues in the Peninsula.
-Spell durations in combat now also take into account the initiative value at the time of being cast. For instance, a spell lasting only one round cast by your caster at initiative 5 will last until next round's initiative 5 turn. Previously the spell ended at the beginning of the round, making short duration spells lasting less than expected.
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Staff member
Version 0.7.9 - Build 411

Content changes & adjustments

-Added a small dungeon past the Peninsula outpost, with a new associated quest(Level 4 recommended!). If you already found certain letter in a skeleton past the outpost, the quest will be automatically added to your journal.
-Added more varied minor loot from humanoid enemies, in concordance with what they wear and use, although in many cases it may be ruined/broken after combat.
-Spells added in the last update(Minor Miracle, Regrowth and Outrage) are now available in their respective vendors.
-Some Rank II spells have slightly increased their willpower cost (Regrowth, Fire Arrow, Blizzard Shards)
-Meditation skill now restores a bit more willpower after each fight (from 1WP/ rank, to 2WP/ rank, but still capped at half the spent WP)

Features & Improvements

-Added new recipes for Crafting skill up to difficulty 6 and Alchemy difficulty 5.
-New option added to browse all Talents, search or filter them. You can access the new "Browse all Talents" button from the Talents section in the character window, or at character creation. Keep in mind some talents are NPC-only, or hidden, and won't appear in the list.
-Elemental Protections are now displayed in a clearer way, with the old icons (fire, ice, etc) instead of the colored shields.
-Maximum spells known are now displayed more clearly in the character window.
-When camping, you can now see your party members sitting around the fireplace. Animation and poses will be improved in the future.


-Performance: there should be a small improvement in loading times and memory usage.
-On Mythology window, hovering over an enemy's Protections or Resistances will now display proper information.
-Alchemy and Crafting window: Pressing ESC will now close the window properly.
-Alchemy and Crafting window: ingredients available to the party are now correctly counted.
-Some skeletons didn't have proper sounds. Fixed.
-Description for Psalm of Renewal now correctly states it heals 2d6, not 1d6.
-Party lighting from torches and spells was not correctly updated in some cases, fixed.
-Magical Research talent now is subject to normal limit of spells known per rank.
-Fixed geometry issues in Nessera Caves.
-Fixed many typos and other text issues.


Staff member
Version 0.7.10 - build 416

Content changes & adjustments

-Camp Encounters added. Your party may be attacked by monsters while they rest in dangerous locations! The risk level is displayed in the camping UI, and increases after repeated camping in the same area, especially when foraging instead of using supplies. Survival skill reduces this risk.
-While in exploration mode, poison effects will be suffered every 30s instead of every 3s. The Vitality check to reduce poison power is now harder (had a bonus previously, which has been removed). This makes antidotes and poison-healing spells more relevant. These changes have no effect during combat.

Features & Improvements

-Skill Disarm Traps implemented. Beware, new traps added, and now chests can be trapped!
-Since a new skill was implemented, after loading an old save you can now reset your skill points(only once per character).
-You can now browse a discipline's spells from your Character Window (hover over the discipline and press F1). This should help you decide which disciplines to train. Limited to current Rank+1.
-The game will now autosave after camping (if there was no encounter), and also at the game start.


-Solved an issue in Rasagor's conversation that allowed to retry certain dialogue check.
-Solved an UI align issue with spell descriptions.
-Enemy 'Protections' were sometimes showing incorrectly on Mythology window. Fixed.
-Fixed an UI issue that would often position incorrectly the 'tooltip' when hovering over an UI or map element.
-Fountain of Discipline was showing an incorrect name on the map.
-Fountain of Protection bonus was not being applied correctly to your characters. Fixed.
-Some spells were showing a duration info with decimals. Solved.
-Status effect duration during camp rest showed several glitches, fixed now.
-Fixed many typos and other text issues in dialogues and journal entries.


Staff member
Version 0.8.0 - Build 420

Content changes & adjustments
  • Added a new cave dungeon in the western coast of the Peninsula, with a new associated quest(talk to Icanos the Loreseeker after completing Three Wanderers quest).
  • XP cap raised to 9,900 (maximum level remains at 4).

Features & Improvements
  • Skill Charisma now reduces buying prices in most vendors by 2% per rank(certain factions are not affected).

  • Talent Hardiness is once more working as per description.
  • Scrolls and other limited usage items will now only be spent (and cause an AP spending in combat) after a valid target has been selected. You can safely cancel a target without spending the item.
  • Prone enemies were sometimes not counting as flanked. Fixed.
  • Party members that ended a fight prone, will no longer show the incorrect prone animation on the next fight.
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