Censoring? Really?


A couple days ago I got a warning notification from the moderators. I "resuscitaded" an old, dusty thread on this forum (about a "poverty run" on this RPG game).

Well, I am writing this because I'm really upset about this warning. Please, help me to understand it: by this no-bump rule, one can only talk about an idea ONCE, and never more? Really??? I mean, a "poverty run" (or something like that) is a fun approach used on almost every RPG out there, and I am amazed by the fact that no one have tried it yet on EK - and I talked about this idea once, and I can never touch this matter again because of a silly rule?? In my book, it is a silly, distorted way of censoring. Let me know if that's what the moderators do. (Again, bear with my rusty engrich)


Maybe that means you should post another topic with same content rather than reviving a very old thread. :) Don't get too upset he's just doing his job no offense to that.


Old posts, especially due to the in-development EK has been in for a long time, may contain outdated information that users may incorrectly refer to, and face problems. I would hope that no new users face frustration from referring to old, now incorrect information


Staff member
Well, thread still exists: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=10663&start=10

It is locked, because VDX_360 locked it (and he is now notified we discuss it).

VDX_360":3juy2nnm said:
Locking Thread.

See Forum Rule #4: Don't refloat/necro very old topics.
http://www.exiledkingdoms.com/forum/vie ... ?f=4&t=232

So, it is not censure, which means your posts would be deleted, or something along that lines, but in a way, as you talk about a way to play, it is "timeless", so I would unlock thread, as this type of playing style doesn't go out of fashion.

Anyway, as VDX_360 locked thread, I leave to him decision to unlock it or not, but in my opinion, it can be open thread and used "forever", as thread doesn't talk about something that has strict time limits, like some bug which gets corrected with new versions, or like some other game feature that changes over time.


Staff member
Two points:

1) A forum rule was applied in a fair, reasonable, supportive and polite manner. Rather the point of moderators, ain't it?

2) The purpose of locking old threads is to reduce confusion over outdated subjected matter, keep the forum active with topics users are actually interested in (versus artificially bumped threads) and, crucial to the matter at hand, to reduce the overall amount of off-topic or tangent comments on a thread. The longer a thread exists, the more off-topic or tangent comments it collects until the topic of the thread is lost. It's not a bad thing, it's just the natural drifting of a conversation.

Timeline of events:
User Pedrinho created a thread on May 2017 regarding a poverty mode. About a dozen comments occurred in a two day period. The thread than went dormant. In Jan. 2018, User Pedrinho bumped the thread, adding no comment other than to re-express his curiosity on the subject a poverty mode, a pretty straightforward example of bumping for bumping's sake. At the time of User Perrinho's post, the thread in question contained comments on the poverty mode, comments on the overall quality of the game, and comments about other games. In short, the thread had triggered a pretty wide range of comments, many which were only tangent to the poverty mode aspect of the original post. User Pedrinho's self-bumping on the May 2017 thread meant that all those other tangent, or side, comments were also bumped and reasserted into the discussion.

A moderator, the author of this post, locked the thread, noted the reason for the locked and sent a message, via the warning system, regarding the cause of the locking. For review the message is included in full below (spoiler tags used for readability of this post). The message was polite, friendly and encouraged User Pedrinho to continue using the forum.

User Pedrinho did not contact the moderator regarding the matter and instead created a thread to voice a concern about alleged "Censoring."

User Pedrinho could have easily created a new tread re-asking his or her question about poverty mode, allowing the topic to be explored by the forum from a fresh and clean slate.

--Start Warning Message--
This is just a friendly note to remind you of the forum rules.

pedrinho":27qqn45o said:
Bump... I know it's an old topic,
See Forum Rule #4: Don't refloat/necro very old topics
http://www.exiledkingdoms.com/forum/vie ... ?f=4&t=232

Regarding your Jan. 23, 2018 post, quoted above, please refrain from floating, bumping or necro-ing very old topics. Esp when you realize the thread is very old. It's better to start a new thread, even if it's asking a similar question. The game has changed a lot over the last year so a lot of old comments include outdated content.

Again, this is just a friendly reminder of the forum rules. Feel encouraged to keep using the forum.
--End Warning Message-


Staff member
VDX_360 applied the forum rules flawlessly and in no way it could be called "censorship", but I also understand the frustration from pedrinho as in this case the "necro" was pretty harmless and even reasonable to stay in the same thread. The "culprit" in this case is me, since probably the rules should be a bit more flexible in this regard, specifically bumping should be allowed in threads with no danger of becoming outdated. I might review the rules to reflect this.

Until then, please folks don't be angry, moderators have a hard job sometimes and they have to apply the rules I give them, which in 99.99% of the cases is what makes this place the clean and organized forum we have. In particular VDX does a hell of a good job, freeing me of a lot of time that I can dedicate to the game.


VDX_360":rf17vhcn said:
User Pedrinho could have easily created a new tread re-asking his or her question about poverty mode, allowing the topic to be explored by the forum from a fresh and clean slate.

VDX_360":rf17vhcn said:
Regarding your Jan. 23, 2018 post, quoted above, please refrain from floating, bumping or necro-ing very old topics. Esp when you realize the thread is very old. It's better to start a new thread, even if it's asking a similar question.

These are exactly what I am saying. :)


VDX_360":1w2neisu said:
User Pedrinho could have easily created a new tread re-asking his or her question about poverty mode, allowing the topic to be explored by the forum from a fresh and clean slate.

So, from your logic, everytime one want to talk about poverty run - or any other matter - he/she would need to open a NEW TOPIC, instead of posting on ALREADY OPEN ONES? This is the dumbest thing I've ever read on any forum I've participated.

The MAIN IDEA of a topic, on a forum, is to PUT TOGETHER, on a TIMELINED FASHION, all the ideas, suggestions, comments and alike in a UNIC THREAD. And you are proposing the OPPOSITE????? C'mon.

I respect moderator's job, it's a hard, profitless work, and I thank all mods for their commitment. I mean it, believe me. And VDX_360, it's not personal, my appologies if I, somehow, made someone infer that I was mad about you. I am not too good with words, at least not in English. I am just upset about the rules - and the way they are applied, with those "warnings".

But as per what David himself already said, looks like he saw my point.

About the main, original "bump" subject, I will try a poverty run and let you guys know if I ever pass level 6 lol

Thnaks VDX-360 and David. Hope you guys are not mad at me. Have a good week end!


Staff member
pedrinho":2o7inu1q said:
The MAIN IDEA of a topic, on a forum, is to PUT TOGETHER, on a TIMELINED FASHION, all the ideas, suggestions, comments and alike in a UNIC THREAD. And you are proposing the OPPOSITE????? C'mon.

All the ideas... that are useful. In almost all the cases a months-old thread is bumped here, it is a right call to lock it because the game has changed so much in just 5 months since 0.9. This gets done every day by the mods, some cases like this are dubious but it is not "his logic", it is the rules and it isn't easy to have rules that fit perfectly every case and situation. We keep improving the rules as the game evolves, though.

Good luck with that run!
