Can't trust Hirge with Arbeno's Might


Recently, I gave my level 13 Hirge Arbeno's Might and headed towards a dungeon. On the way to the dungeon, we encountered a lone Gray Wolf, which is a push over for my party. But Hirge found the need to spend 2 mana points activating Arbeno's Might to attack the wolf. I hoped this was an isolated incident. It was not. She continued to spend mana on activating Arbeno's Might on enemies that we easily overpowered. So I restored the game to a save-point from before I gave her Arbeno's Might, as I didn't want her depleting her mana before we got into tough situations that needed it.

I like the fact the main companions have independence so that I don't have to micro-manage their behavior. But it is frustrating to watch a valuable companion like Hirge poorly use a spell that should be one of her best weapons.


Really hirge is a good company on quests, even if it is against undead. More skills I think are random. Even being obvious in the situation. Well I've lost a lot of confidence and today I rely on the skills that my character has. And you should do the same. And go slow because the companions do not save, they help.


Staff member
Companion AI has a few known oddities, such as Hirge's overuse of Arbeno's Might, Adaon's curious desire to step on traps to disarm them, and all of them thinking standing in flames is a good idea when there's a safe tile one step away.

Not sure how to tweak Hirge's use of Arbeno's Might without risking Hirge never uses the skill. One idea is to create command options to tell the Companion when to use skills that require mana (never, always, when the enemy is strong).

The Developer has stated he will revisit Companion AI and Companion path-finding so fingers crossed there's a solution in the works.


VDX_360":3gy5d6to said:
Companion AI has a few known oddities, such as Hirge's overuse of Arbeno's Might, Adaon's curious desire to step on traps to disarm them, and all of them thinking standing in flames is a good idea when there's a safe tile one step away.

Not sure how to tweak Hirge's use of Arbeno's Might without risking Hirge never uses the skill. One idea is to create command options to tell the Companion when to use skills that require mana (never, always, when the enemy is strong).

The Developer has stated he will revisit Companion AI and Companion path-finding so fingers crossed there's a solution in the works.

Certainly could add your red suggestion to the "Battle Orders" dialogue menu. But I would suggest the options be:
- Never
- Only when facing multiple enemies [based on # aggro'd, triggered on the 2nd one]
- Only when facing multiple enemies, or enemies above my level
- Every battle
