Best XP farm ideas


New member
I did a search on the forum and couldn't find exactly what I'm looking for.

I'm hoping some more experienced players (hint hint those who are like level 40+) can provide some tid bits of best / most effective xp farming.

Here's my method but it takes me 7-10 minutes and I net like 30K xp.

Sewer of Horrors, Level 2:
From bed, I kill all ice elementals and ice wizards. The ice wizards give same xp basically as iron guardians and much easier/quicker to kill.
From there I clear the entire ice area, then move to guardians.
I don't clear all guardian room/door, just whatever guys pop in my way on the route to fire part/bridge.
Once that is cleared, I kill all fire elemental and fire wizards there.
I kill both red dragons, then finish the fire area until plane of fire.
Then I run back to bed and rest.

Again, this nets me about 30K exp. My character(s) are all level 22-24 right now (mage, cleric, warrior, and rogue). All on hard difficulty.

Is there a more efficient route or way to farm XP? I feel as though this is taking forever to level.

I just want to get to level 30 or so to max out all my skills, etc.

Please post your methods and suggetsons for others (and myself :)) to learn better/new ways of farming for xp to level up past quests.

Thank you in advance!


I already made a topic about it, but I edited it by removing my video from the channel, in which I had made a live level up in the lower levels of icemist. I did the warrior video, at level 25-26, and the tip I give you, which is still at a median level, is to kill only the ice elementals from the right area without advancing, and if you give, do not use companion. This way, I do in 1 minute and at most 1 minute and 20 seconds an xp between 10-11.5k. in my rogue level 40, I do all the percussion and also without a partner (Hirge), and it takes around 6-9 minutes to make 45-50k of experience.


New member

Thanks! That's an interesting idea... no companion to maximize xp. I didn't think of that. So I would go through sewers, to level 2, and disband Hirge and farm xp on the elemental area? Sounds like a plan. I will try it out and see! Although getting out of plane of fire and the rest may be interesting without a companion eventually, but worth a shot! I will try and see what I can do.

Thanks for the suggestion!


New member
I did some analysis and found that solo I can earn 4,000 to about 4,700 xp per minute (but takes me about 3.5 mins to clear the ice area), so about 16.5K per 3.5 to 4 mins.'

With a companion, I can do about the same (Hirge doesn't add a ton of DPS honestly), so my xp does decrease. However, if I look at completing the entire level I can earn about 4K per minute with companion. And I don't have to play it safe. On average I am able to get about 30K in 8 minutes.

I am level 24 rogue and maxed equipment, etc. I don't use queen's heart.. I alternate between shadow dagger now (b/c of vicious and paralysis), and adamantite shortsword.

I may be doing something wrong b/c it sounds like you're way more efficient. However, you are level 40, vs level 24, so I'm sure there's a lot to do with that. I've seen your SS of max dmg, and the most I've seen my rogue is like 580 something...

Do you have any other suggestions on how to be more efficient?


New member
ha! :) I'm not doing this to be on a leader board. I just really want to get to level 30+ or some level where all my skills are maxed out finally!

I don't mind doing the farming for an item or xp... yeah it kinda sucks sometimes, but if you want it, you put in the time to do it. However, I just like doing this efficiently in whatever I do, so I'm looking for ways to improve and do it better ;)

Anyways, this thread can be used by others to and hopefully helping others with a similar question I had.

(btw - level 70??? holy cow! I thought Bruno @ level 40 was highest... Lvl 70 is insane with how much time they put in for that!!! LOL)
