Best weapons?


New member
Hi everyone, I just started playing EK and
It's amazing by far the best mobile game I've
Played so far, I was wondering what 2H
Weapons are best for low levels say 10 and under
For the free version and what's the best for full liscense
As I'll be getting it very soon?
It would be awesome if someone could list all the best
For low levels with each class too! Thanks in advance!


New member
Hello! I’m also fairly new, and while I haven’t been playing warrior (so I haven’t been hunting for 2-H weapons), I can tell you how I search for equipment in general.

Take a look at the quipment page of the wiki: ... =Equipment

The weapon types you’re looking for are Greatswords, Greataxes, and Mauls, if you want 2-H weapons. Sort by dps, and then look for unique and common items. Rare/uncommon items will definitely be later game, and may require some grinding. Common items are usually purchasable, or otherwise easy to obtain, but you’ll need save up some gold for them. The wiki will tell you which shops sell the item you’re looking for. There are some unique weepons and gear that are surprising simple to acquire, though you might have to at least be able to take a few stray hits to get in and out with your loot.

As for which weapon is best really is dependant on your build and your current foe. General-use weapons that are handy to look for are weapons with uncommon damage types, such as spirit damage, or non-elemental options, but these will always lose out to specialized choices against your enemy du jour.

As a general rule for early on, you can aim to get a bluesteel version of your weapon type. For the very earliest levels, I think your ability to clear content will depend more on how you start your build, the defensive items you can acquire, and getting yourself one of the three main companions to help you out. Again, those are available on the wiki.

Also keep in mind that just because you can clear some content in a dungeon does not mean you can clear that whole dungeon yet.


New member
Hi and thank you very much for your responses, I got the
Full version now didn't expect to get paid early lol
I've been searching through the wiki but it's a little confusing lol thanks again :D
