1. Rogue (melee)
- stats
Priority : (skill requirements) > AGI > STR > other stats
At first, point AGI : STR = 2 : 1, but STR point should be even. If you play iron man, then END is also important. Next to AGI STR, I prefer to pointing INT because of xp
- skills
1st : stab, sneak attack, assasinate, (sprint)
2nd : flurry, precision strikes, massive criticals, evasion
3rd : others
I don't recommend poison mastery, because its effect is so small, and even high level enemies have high resistance for poison.
2. Cleric (warrior guild build, not the three build)
(I don't recommend the three, because its damage is so suffocating...)
- stats : (skill requirements) > AGI > STR > others (for light, recommend)
STR > AGI > others (for 1h)
(I dislike 2h build, because for WG build, it is hard to stack duel if you are 2h)
The method of pointing AGI, STR is same with rogue. Except two stats, INT, PER is the best. (INT : more xp, less mana / PER : more mana, no xp advantage)
- skills
1st : heal(2), arbenos' might, intervention(1), thelume's wisdom(1), heavyhand
2nd : duel, bloodlust, precision strikes, massive criticals
3rd : others (I like offensive skills rather than defensive skills, such as holy shield)
Cleric's skills are almost good. This priority is my style. Especially, sacred fire is good skill, but it spends so much mana, so I don't like it.