Best mobile-device game I've played


New member
Just wanted to take a moment to say that I really enjoyed this game. Finished it up this morning with 80/80 quests completed and probably 90% of the entire worldmap and dungeon maps fully uncovered, and I think it's absolutely a fantastic game. Great backstory and worldbuilding with solid plot twists. Lots of fun, good open-world style, plenty of gear options to obsess over, huge map, and so on. There are a few things that were lacking, like character development for the companions, but hey, no game has absolutely everything, and there were more than enough stories in the side quests (The Dead God!!) to keep me engaged the whole time.

One recommendation? Lower/change the requirements for getting some of the good options, both in the main quest and in side quests like The Dead God. I had high enough mental stats and gear to get the full story and ideal/peaceful ending, but probably a lot of people would have trouble meeting the Awareness and Intellect requirements if they're playing warriors.

But that's a minor quibble, and as I was playing a cleric, I never ran into an issue there. 10/10 game, would recommend, great job!


Staff member
Thanks! I'm glad you had fun.

aiphd":3d473az9 said:
One recommendation? Lower/change the requirements for getting some of the good options, both in the main quest and in side quests like The Dead God. I had high enough mental stats and gear to get the full story and ideal/peaceful ending, but probably a lot of people would have trouble meeting the Awareness and Intellect requirements if they're playing warriors.

Well, that's exactly the point. Something is not really hidden if everyone is going to find it; I think everyone can complete the Dead God quest with the "standard" ending by just reading the journal, but the "hidden" ending is supposed to be something unusual, and the player finding it must have the feeling of having uncovered something that was truly buried and lost in time, an accomplishment.


New member
DavidBVal":e7cuobsf said:
Thanks! I'm glad you had fun.

aiphd":e7cuobsf said:
One recommendation? Lower/change the requirements for getting some of the good options, both in the main quest and in side quests like The Dead God. I had high enough mental stats and gear to get the full story and ideal/peaceful ending, but probably a lot of people would have trouble meeting the Awareness and Intellect requirements if they're playing warriors.

Well, that's exactly the point. Something is not really hidden if everyone is going to find it; I think everyone can complete the Dead God quest with the "standard" ending by just reading the journal, but the "hidden" ending is supposed to be something unusual, and the player finding it must have the feeling of having uncovered something that was truly buried and lost in time, an accomplishment.

Right on, makes sense. My only thought was that it's sort of skewed a bit in favor of classes like Cleric, since finding a lot of the cool secret stuff involves passing mental stat checks. I actually rolled a 2-handed warrior at first, then reconsidered early on because I was curious about casting, and I ended up being so grateful that I hadn't poured the lion's share of my points into Strength and Endurance.

But then again, I've heard warriors have a much easier time on combat and such, so I suppose it balances out in that way. Anyway, cheers! Loved the game, thanks for all the hard work that must go into making it!


New member
Haha, and also, the secret story-background stuff is SO cool. I just feel bad for anybody who missed it! And the peaceful ending was an amazing surprise. In particular,

I did NOT expect the Magister to realize the error of his ways. I thought he was going to be a standard bad-to-the-bitter-end villain who would reject the will of the group out of pride/fury etc. You know, typical RPG tropes. Having him apologize and back down? Best moment of the game for me.
That was super gratifying and well-written. You usually don't get that kind of well thought-out content unless you're playing big-time AAA role-playing games like Skyrim and the Witcher and such. Or classic Chrono Trigger. Or this game!

So yeah, definitely recommending this one to all my friends. Best $4 I've ever spent on a game.
