Well-known member
ok i wanna do the royal mercian crypt but all those wraiths just completly overwelm me so i was wondering on a good gear set/stratagy for lvl 13 ranger i can just barely clear blue rock now
looking for more than just rings but certanily helps DAVID THIS IS A CALL FOR U!!! WE NEED DEATH RESISTNCE ARMOR!!!!lightwarrior":i62aohki said:new garand sewer liliana sell 40 death resist ring buy 2 i will update the post in a while
dont text and drive man yea thx ill haf to have a look around and fire dragon im sure ibe looted his chest already went invis ran past looted ran out teleported home xD dont recall seeing a shield with death reist hmmlightwarrior":2n1aihwj said:liliana ring is only 30 resist not 40 sorry
chest behind fire dragon have 40 resist ring...if u can kill fire dragon drop shield with death resist
Sister Arta in kingbridge give quest v easy get you neck with death resist
quest name dark matter you get from cleric in newgarand also give you back with death resist
thats all i know sorry post is messy am driving car
ok ok does it actualy exist? if so i gota do some farming!! ^_^lightwarrior":34illm4h said:
so the tolassian armor actualy exists? ok i gotta farm it than mmmk awsome tha ks guys!!!Dimidium":3op47vp6 said:Greater Ring of Death Resistance, Epic Potion of Death Resistance, Tolassian Chain, and several other items are good for death resistance. Don't forget the regular death resist potion. They're cheap and spam-able.