Zamohr Mountains middle-ish. I'm seeing arrows go through impassable trees but that seems legit.
Arborice New member Joined 13/06/2016 Messages 17 15/06/2016 #1 Zamohr Mountains middle-ish. I'm seeing arrows go through impassable trees but that seems legit.
D Dragonborn Member Joined 11/06/2016 Messages 72 15/06/2016 #2 not only that, but they go through mountains as well if they are close enough to you to shoot at.
DavidBVal Developer Staff member Administrator Joined 28/02/2015 Messages 7,585 16/06/2016 #3 yes, I am aware. Thanks for reporting.
M Mr.Suspense Loreseeker Joined 04/04/2016 Messages 327 19/06/2016 #4 trees and mountains are not legit? walls, if they pass through them, is a bug, which appeared for a short time only.
trees and mountains are not legit? walls, if they pass through them, is a bug, which appeared for a short time only.