Removing the level cap I think introduces the possibilities of future changes. I'd say put the cap back as lv 30 (since it's takes so long to get there anyways). That way when David does add new content it'll be say lv 25-30 content. Then he can change the cap to lv 35, and then repeat: new content, change in lv cap. I'd rather wait for the new content then reach the old level cap, that way it'll still be challenging.
As much as I love grinding, I don't have it in me to keep grinding for hours on end simply for the sake of gaining more levels. "Especially as there isn't currently anything new to put it towards"- completed current content player
My to-do list is to complete a playthrough of each play-style with each type of class: ranged rogue, melee rouge, 2h-warrior, SnS warrior, offensive cleric, defensive cleric, haven't tried a mage yet. Then complete an ironman run with each class type: warrior, cleric, rouge, mage.
Doing this will keep me entertained and invested as new updates and content continues to keep coming out. I also spend my off-time helping update the wiki and help to answer questions and comments here on the forums.
I invite anyone else to help with the wiki and forums if you're feeling a momentary lull in your playing.
Anyways, the Archery skill is not broken but really fun to use~