Archaelund (now updated with screenshots and video!)

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Staff member
Without any questions, the EK game is the best one I ever played on mobile (maybe even ever). No lootbox, no Ingame pays, no dlc for money and so on... I bow my head, it is just amazing as it is already.

Besides Zelda and Mario(snes versions) there was no game I replayed that often!


New member
I am glad to hear the game did that for you. But look at it this way, I considered the game finished at version 1.0, in the sense that the game offered a complete 65-hour epic with a huge map for 4 bucks and plenty of replayability.

Regarding "loose ends", they are always part of well built gameworlds. The world must create the illusion that it doesn't revolve around the player actions, and that pretty much requires some things are always out of reach. You can't talk to all the Grand Dukes in Baldur's Gate I, just to the one that is part of the story. You can't even see all of the Morrowind province in a game called "Morrowind", just the isle of Vvanderfell! Those games constantly mention characters, places and events that the player can't witness himself, yet were completed too, and they got large expansions... which I also made, and for free to all players that already owned the game. 1.1 + 1.2 + 1.3 involved over a year of work, for very close to zero income, plus a delay of my next game. Yet I am glad I made them, for there were still important narrative and mechanical elements that the game needed.

I believe I am not done with EK. Once I am done with Archaelund, I will likely go back to it one way or another. I really don't know at this point if I will rework it from scratch or make EK2, or online, or simply expand the old code (I doubt it, it is already very obsolete and hard to update), but certainly it is my intention now to at some point, create more of EK.

Please try to stay on topic, too!
I'll be honest with you, i would pay good money for expansions of this game. And loose ends kill me, even as minor as this person's notable point. What would it take for you to be interested in growing the game more again, barring your current project?

You really have something here with EK, and honestly, most games have outdated code anyways, lol! (I do understand though, there would be a lot of effort needed to do this. But seriously, id like to know how the player base could help). I, for one, am another player who still cannot find himself fully satisfied with the game yet, though i do greatly appreciate your tireless effort to making this game even better as time has gone on. I still hold out hope that the game isnt "complete" just yet, and would happily put my money where my mouth is. Dont be afraid to release more paid content, even just a little, for the sake of being rightfully compensated for continuing to grow this amazing game. There can be a mutually beneficial answer to this without resorting to turning into the very thing most games are nowadays.


Staff member
There's outdated code, and than there's a hodgepodge of 18th Century bits tossed together by a drunk scientist using public domain stitches to hold everything somewhat together in a semi-solid state that has the same consistency of luke-warm pudding.

Yeah. It's not a copy-and-paste situation.


Staff member
I'll be honest with you, i would pay good money for expansions of this game. And loose ends kill me, even as minor as this person's notable point. What would it take for you to be interested in growing the game more again, barring your current project?

You really have something here with EK, and honestly, most games have outdated code anyways, lol! (I do understand though, there would be a lot of effort needed to do this. But seriously, id like to know how the player base could help). I, for one, am another player who still cannot find himself fully satisfied with the game yet, though i do greatly appreciate your tireless effort to making this game even better as time has gone on. I still hold out hope that the game isnt "complete" just yet, and would happily put my money where my mouth is. Dont be afraid to release more paid content, even just a little, for the sake of being rightfully compensated for continuing to grow this amazing game. There can be a mutually beneficial answer to this without resorting to turning into the very thing most games are nowadays.

It's not a matter of money. My current project takes all my time and will continue to do so for the next years. It is already two years late, and I can't afford more delays.

There's outdate code, and than there's a hodgepodge of 18th Century bits tossed together by a drunk scientist using public domain stitches to hold everything somewhat together in a semi-solid state that has the same consistency of luke-warm pudding.

Yeah. It's not a copy-and-paste situation.

This. I really don't want to enter a detailed digression here about the technical difficulties on updating the game, but many of the development tools used to build EK are now being abandoned by their creators or poorly supported, and Apple for instance has already barred me from updating the game in part because of this. Google threatens me every 18 months if I don't rebuild and update with the latest API, which is becoming increasingly difficult due to incompatibilities. I really don't want to invest more effort into those outdated tools if I can avoid it, and it'd probably be best to remake the game using a modern engine. Anyways, this debate is currently moot. I can't afford to develop EK right now so I'll make the technical decisions when it's the right time for it.


New member
It's not a matter of money. My current project takes all my time and will continue to do so for the next years. It is already two years late, and I can't afford more delays.

This. I really don't want to enter a detailed digression here about the technical difficulties on updating the game, but many of the development tools used to build EK are now being abandoned by their creators or poorly supported, and Apple for instance has already barred me from updating the game in part because of this. Google threatens me every 18 months if I don't rebuild and update with the latest API, which is becoming increasingly difficult due to incompatibilities. I really don't want to invest more effort into those outdated tools if I can avoid it, and it'd probably be best to remake the game using a modern engine. Anyways, this debate is currently moot. I can't afford to develop EK right now so I'll make the technical decisions when it's the right time for it.
I completely understand, thank you for taking the time to explain that so succinctly! If it would require a modern engine and substantial time, have you considered bringing on someone or a few people to rebuild the game as it is with a newer engine? You have an IP with a lot of possibilities and, from what I gather, sufficient consumer support, and if time is your main limitation, why not expand?


New member
It's not a matter of money. My current project takes all my time and will continue to do so for the next years. It is already two years late, and I can't afford more delays.

Esse. Eu realmente não quero entrar aqui em uma digressão detalhada sobre as dificuldades técnicas na atualização do jogo, mas muitas das ferramentas de desenvolvimento usadas para construir o EK estão agora sendo abandonadas por seus criadores ou com suporte insuficiente, e a Apple por exemplo já me barrou de atualizar o jogo em parte por causa disso. O Google me ameaça a cada 18 meses se eu não reconstruir e atualizar com a API mais recente, o que está se tornando cada vez mais difícil devido a incompatibilidades. Eu realmente não quero investir mais esforço nessas ferramentas desatualizadas se puder evitá-las, e provavelmente seria melhor refazer o jogo usando um motor moderno. De qualquer forma, este debate é atualmente discutível. Não posso me dar ao luxo de desenvolver EK agora, então tomarei as decisões técnicas quando for o momento certo para isso.
realmente leva muito tempo para desenvolver jogos, eu também gostaria muito de novas atualizações no EK, mas entendo ele pelas complicações em relação ao motor, e não sei da equipe se ele sozinho faz o jogo, provavelmente não , mas deve ser uma equipe pequena, que esteja focada nesse novo jogo, que espero muito que seja um sucesso, e sinceramente mesmo ele dizendo que não é uma questão de dinheiro, gostaria que o EK merecesse mais reconhecimento, especificamente o pago para compensar o tempo e possivelmente o dinheiro que foi gasto para criá-lo, obrigado aos desenvolvedores que criaram esse jogo maravilhoso e tão raro de encontrar <3 Sou do Brasil e não sei muito inglês mas era minha obrigação agradecer por o jogo


Barra do Garças - MT, Brazil.
It's been a while since my last visit at this forum. I had good free time to play and decided to create an D&D 5e campaign and so I did. I got 5 players reaching lvl 1 to lvl 6, they got out of Lannegar and went all the way to New Garand. I was really happy with progress. Two months of roleplaying 4h/week. After that, we stopped as everyone had a change of life plans, me too...
...July/2022, I decided to return my investiment here, upgrading the Exiled Kingdoms into the D&D world. I was making it a complete campaign, documentation and everything. I had more than 60 pages explaining each item, place, NPC, quest, and A LOT OF HISTORY (the main reason I wanted this universe to go do D&D), and I was very happy with this. But then, at the end of September, my HD that had my digital life was broken. I lost everything, including the development. It's been one whole year already, and I'm still in sorrow with that event... year One D&D will be released, and my life will be so much better too. Right now I'm in a rush of things, too. I understand you, David, and I wanted to thank you again. After One D&D release, I'll go back here and tell you again I want to make a good D&D campaign. In that moment, I hope you'll have released Archaelund and I had already beated 100% and made all my friends to play too! Have a nice development!


New member
U know you could make an EK 2 and use the areas of EK that aren't available as it'd map you could also go to the old kingdoms but only for a certain amount of new quests
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