Another Reputation Question


Active member
I've been wondering about a discrepancy I see regarding reputation. When I click on my character's reputation tab and check a particular city (let's say Fogus), I see one number; but when I got to the Fogas Townhall I see a completely different number---an average between Fogas and Ilmara. The discrepancy is the same for every other city with a townhall. From what I've seen, the reputation number that shows when I click on the reputation tab is the only one that matters when it comes to buying a house or other game options.
Just wondering why the discrepancy, and if it matters for anything I'm unaware of?


Staff member
That's not a discrepancy.

The Reputation at a Townhall is an average between the reputation for a City and the reputation for the Kingdom the City resides. It --seems-- that early plans for the game would have made Townhall reputation a more important part of the game but the game ended up drifting into another direction (as what tends to happen with games under active pre-version 1 development).

So, yes, you're Reputation log will show your reputation for each faction and City (guilds, kingdoms, cities etc).

Here's the the Wiki list for current Reputation checks.

The highest reputation check is +60 with Varsilia. but is fairly easy to reach due to the number of quests that give Varsilia rep (plus the wondering knight is an endless source of +4 rep if you spare him after beating him).

The most time consuming one to get is likely the +40 Ilmara reputation as it will require running Townhall quests (+2 / quest if done at Capital).

The -hardest- one to get is likely the +35 with The Three to access the Chapel of the Faithful as it requires completing a series of quests for The Three, some of which require trait checks to pass.


The most time consuming one to get is likely the +40 Ilmara reputation as it will require running Townhall quests (+2 / quest if done at Capital).

True, but many of those quests done at the City of Nirvarian come with a Potion of Lesser Restoration as a reward (and it's worth skipping by sleeping quests without that reward) so it's at least a fairly decently rewarding grind loop.
