Advice for cleric lvl 9


Hey guys,

So I first started on a Rogue, then I found some threads here about clerics and decided to make one. Within a few hours I got to level 6, then it was going a little bit slower but still at a good pace. Now I'm at level 9 and I've finished 36 quests already, now I can't find new ones, probably because I don't fulfill some of the requirements.

Anyway, next quests I'd like to finish are Web of Terror and Outstanding Apprentice but I got the impression that I'm not strong enough yet. No chance against Lady Xidar and I have to use all my recoveries to get to the entrance of the second dungeon.
Here's my equipment and skills:


Cape is the nivarian one. Using the different weapons depending on situation.
Am I doing something wrong or is my equipment not good enough or do I simply have to grind a few levels?

Thanks in advance.


Check out the wiki quests section if you want to confirm anything.

As for Outstanding Apprentice, its tough to go thru the fens and the lair on only 2-3 recoveries without smashing potions. I will usually do a suicide run thru the fens, just letting the trolls chase me (don't get stuck). If you know the fens well, its not that hard of a run. Once inside the lair, you can usually make it to the back prison cells at tour level as long as you draw trolls away to avoid getting swarmed.

Web of Terror is just a pain at that level, and there is an acknowledged lack of content to get you from Lvl 7-9 to clearing WoT without tons of potions. This should be addressed some in the upcoming update. That in mind, grind the Orc Lair or Great Inori tomb (good for a cleric) until you feel like challenging it again.

Good luck.

Don Da Cruz

I agree with feldon on WoT. Grind another level or two and give it a shot. My cleric did it at lvl10 with potions and heals.

Your equipment is definitely top notch. Everyone has their opinion on traits and skills so that is a toss up, but ...if it were me... I would spec more End and add active heal to your skillset ymmv.

Board Troll

Well-known member
Avion":31gsg5kt said:
Hey guys,

So I first started on a Rogue, then I found some threads here about clerics and decided to make one. Within a few hours I got to level 6, then it was going a little bit slower but still at a good pace. Now I'm at level 9 and I've finished 36 quests already, now I can't find new ones, probably because I don't fulfill some of the requirements.

Anyway, next quests I'd like to finish are Web of Terror and Outstanding Apprentice but I got the impression that I'm not strong enough yet. No chance against Lady Xidar and I have to use all my recoveries to get to the entrance of the second dungeon.
Here's my equipment and skills:


Cape is the nivarian one. Using the different weapons depending on situation.
Am I doing something wrong or is my equipment not good enough or do I simply have to grind a few levels?

Thanks in advance.

I'm pretty familiar with clerics. I would suggest dropping a point of strength and the point in awareness and getting 3 points in endurance. Also, the cleric fire skill outperforms the might skill as far as dps is concerned, it's slightly higher on mana consumption, but it's worth the trade-off especially when facing multiple enemies.

The equipment you have is okay, it will improve.

I notice you're using adon, which is okay, but grisselda does way more damage, especially if you keep her raged.

I suggest going shield and fire mace and learning how to tank for your warrior. I've been doing it since level 8 when I killed my first dragon.

Skill Wise

Max Heal first, get the most out of your mana points.
Then Max fire.
Get at least one level of mana and health reset.
Then Max Niverias barrier

The other skills you have are nice, but situational.

The ones I suggested help in all encounters.


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Board Troll":22eto3vo said:
Avion":22eto3vo said:
Hey guys,

So I first started on a Rogue, then I found some threads here about clerics and decided to make one. Within a few hours I got to level 6, then it was going a little bit slower but still at a good pace. Now I'm at level 9 and I've finished 36 quests already, now I can't find new ones, probably because I don't fulfill some of the requirements.

Anyway, next quests I'd like to finish are Web of Terror and Outstanding Apprentice but I got the impression that I'm not strong enough yet. No chance against Lady Xidar and I have to use all my recoveries to get to the entrance of the second dungeon.
Here's my equipment and skills:


Cape is the nivarian one. Using the different weapons depending on situation.
Am I doing something wrong or is my equipment not good enough or do I simply have to grind a few levels?

Thanks in advance.

I'm pretty familiar with clerics. I would suggest dropping a point of strength and the point in awareness and getting 3 points in endurance. Also, the cleric fire skill outperforms the might skill as far as dps is concerned, it's slightly higher on mana consumption, but it's worth the trade-off especially when facing multiple enemies.

The equipment you have is okay, it will improve.

I notice you're using adon, which is okay, but grisselda does way more damage, especially if you keep her raged.

I suggest going shield and fire mace and learning how to tank for your warrior. I've been doing it since level 8 when I killed my first dragon.

Skill Wise

Max Heal first, get the most out of your mana points.
Then Max fire.
Get at least one level of mana and health reset.
Then Max Niverias barrier

The other skills you have are nice, but situational.

The ones I suggested help in all encounters.

Top notch advice! Listen to this fella, he has a fair bit on knowledge around clerics and its helped me a fair bit


Wow thanks for your advice, guys.

I've actually finished Outstanding Apprentice. After that, I reset my skills (traits will be done tomorrow) and maxed Heal, the fire skill, Intervention for now and also got an extra recovery. I know intervention wasn't mentioned but I simply love it :D gonna do some more grinding tomorrow but so far I like it.
As for Adaon, I had him with me because I was farming the tomb in Great Inori. Now I got Griss again but I'm not sure what to do with her. Shield or 2H?

Other than that I'm wondering where I can get the remaining 4 or 5 quests. I got 42 finished and 5 or 6 are still in the journal (according to wiki all of them can't be finished except WoT). Pretty much checked the whole map already.


Avion":3dse7d9a said:
Wow thanks for your advice, guys.

I've actually finished Outstanding Apprentice. After that, I reset my skills (traits will be done tomorrow) and maxed Heal, the fire skill, Intervention for now and also got an extra recovery. I know intervention wasn't mentioned but I simply love it :D gonna do some more grinding tomorrow but so far I like it.
As for Adaon, I had him with me because I was farming the tomb in Great Inori. Now I got Griss again but I'm not sure what to do with her. Shield or 2H?

Other than that I'm wondering where I can get the remaining 4 or 5 quests. I got 42 finished and 5 or 6 are still in the journal (according to wiki all of them can't be finished except WoT). Pretty much checked the whole map already.

I like giving her Cruelty (best 2h sword), keeping her DPS up, let her draw agro, she hits with cleave, I wipe up with fire blast. Anything still living, I hit Might and go to town.

As for the quests, the list on the wiki is all the quests in the game. If you let me know which ones are missing from your journal, I can let you know how to get them started.

Board Troll

Well-known member
As far as grisselda goes, use 2h weapons.
Max 2h expert
Max Fury
Then Cleave

The extra AC from Nivaria's Barrier should negate more damage than you get returned from intervention.

Plus, intervention, in my opinion let's you slack off in your approach because you know it's there. Plus if it goes off when you have a full mana bar.... well, ya get the picture.

Just tryin to help ya out with my experiences.


Thanks again for the advice. Gotta reset Griss too then and probably my skills again as well. That means even more grinding, yay :D
Cruelty is the sword in the WoT cave iirc. So I gotta finish that one to get the sword. What resistances do I need for the fight with the Lady? Last time I tried death resist but I still was down pretty fast. Is there anything I'm missing maybe? I always try to kill the mage first but can't even manage that. Could be my level tho.

As for Intervention, I kept it because I got used to it but after doing some fights I have to say, it doesn't really fit in anymore. I guess I'm gonna do some more fighting and grind to the next level, that should give me a good impression if I should keep intervention or get rid of it.

Thanks again guys, helped me a lot :)

Edit: about Griss, I suppose I give her a mix of strength and endurance? Balanced or more strength/endurance?

Sir qu


this is my cleric lvl12 wason knights hills but i change for the three (rpg, cuz the skills of knightguild are the best

for damage i use a vulcan maul and bonegrinder or mace of fire what u loot on main quest idk
