A Guide to a better Rogue


New member
So I'm trying to get the best out of my Rogue Class. With the highest DPS as I can get over armor rating. I'm wandering if anyone has found the best method for this. I'm not sure yet if a full fledged Range Rogue has better damage rating than a light weapon Rogue or vise versa. So my Rogue as of right now is as stated:

Rogue: Level 13
END 1 +1
INT 1 +1

Light Weapon: Icicle with a total of 19-25 damage
Range Weapon (Mix between Jester and Composite Bow due to speed of Jester)
Jester (13-13)
Composite Bow (20-25)

Head: Tiara of the heavens
Chest: Lionskin Cuirass
Arms: Gloves of Luck
Legs: Forest Chain Leggings
Feet: Sharkskin Boots
Rings: Ilmaran Signet Ring + Oasis Ring
Neck: Ursan Charm
Cloak: Iron Will Mantle
Offhand: Bluesteel Dirk

Stab IV (Max)
Stealth I
Sneak Attack I
Kick I
Archery II
Sprint III (Max
Extra Recovery II
Precision Strike I

Now, gold has been scarce lately except for grinding it off of the outlaws in Friguld (they drop Oaken Bows worth a little over 300g each) that's been the only way I been making my money besides quests.
I enjoy the class and stats I'm using thus far since it's gotten me little deaths and I'm pretty far into the game. My main question is has anyone come across any better methods of creating the perfect Rogue Class? I feel I could do so much better besides getting my arse kicked by level 11's inside the Royal Crypt in Iron Valley for example. :p I'm doing great don't get me wrong but I want more powwwweerrr. :D feel free to try out my methods listed above I find me not to shabby (note: I use grissenda as a slave) she takes all my hits if your wondering how I haven't kicked the bucket.


Interesting question. I've personally only ever played defensive builds, so take these build suggestions with a heaping bucket full of salt.

The following builds are crafted around a (2 Damage : 1 Armor : lvl * HP) ratio. Some points are allocated to quality-of-life skills, the rest into damage. Flurry and rapid fire aren't included in calculations. To get the speed-boosted damage, simply multiply the final result by 1.75 or 2 respectively.

Since you mentioned Mercian Crypt, let's take the common Wraith as a target dummy. http://www.exiledkingdoms.com/wiki/index.php?title=Wraith

Range-only Rogue
Rogue: Level 13
END 2 +1
AGI 5 +2
INT 1 +1
AWA 3 +1

Weapons: Jester's Bow, Composite Bow, & Mist Hunter's Bow

Back: Spectral Cloak
Belt: Girdle of the Rogue
Body: Anointed Cuirass
Feet: Ironfoot Boots
Hands: Gloves of Luck
Head: Tiara of the Heavens
Legs: Assassin's Leggings
Neck: Amulet of the Eyes
Ring: Oasis Ring
Ring: Ilmaran Signet Ring

Archery lll
Kick l
Massive Criticals ll
Precision Shots ll
Rapid Fire lll
Trap Master lll

Raw DPS:
Jester's Bow: 32.4
Composite Bow: 29
Mist Hunter's Bow: 30.8

DPS against Wraith (26 armor):
Jester's Bow: 5.4
Composite Bow: 14
Mist Hunter's Bow: 15.4

Melee-only Rogue
Rogue: Level 13
STR 3 +1
END 2 +1
AGI 6 +2
INT 1 +1
AWA 1 +1

Weapon: Icicle + Flaming Dirk

Back: Spectral Cloak
Belt: Girdle of the Rogue
Body: Anointed Cuirass
Feet: Ironfoot Boots
Hands: Ruined Gauntlets of Might
Head: Tiara of the Heavens
Legs: Tolassian Chain Leggings
Neck: Holy Symbol of the Three
Ring: Oasis Ring
Ring: Ilmaran Signet Ring

Assassinate l
Evasion lll
Flurry lll
Massive Criticals l
Precision Strikes l
Sneak Attack l
Stab lll
Stealth ll

Raw DPS (Without Stab & Assassinate):
Icicle + Flaming Dirk: 36

DPS against Wraith (26 armor) (Without Stab & Assassinate):
Icicle + Flaming Dirk: 19.2

Melee + Ranged Rogue
Rogue: Level 13
STR 3 +1
END 2 +1
AGI 6 +2
INT 0 +1
AWA 2 +1

Weapons: Jester's Bow, Composite Bow, Mist Hunter's Bow, & Icicle + Flaming Dirk

Back: Spectral Cloak
Belt: Girdle of the Rogue
Body: Anointed Cuirass
Feet: Ironfoot Boots
Hands: Ruined Gauntlets of Might
Head: Tiara of the Heavens
Legs: Tolassian Chain Leggings
Neck: Amulet of the Eyes
Ring: Oasis Ring
Ring: Ilmaran Signet Ring

Archery lll
Evasion lll
Flurry lll
Massive Criticals l
Rapid Fire lll

Raw DPS (Without Stab & Assassinate):
Jester's Bow: 30.6
Composite Bow: 27
Mist Hunter's Bow: 29.7
Icicle + Flaming Dirk: 34.8

DPS against Wraith (26 armor) (Without Stab & Assassinate):
Jester's Bow: 5.4
Composite Bow: 12
Mist Hunter's Bow: 14.3
Icicle + Flaming Dirk: 18

For you to make an informed decision.

Edit* Checking your build once more, you've pretty much nailed the essentials for damage in a melee + ranged build. Could certainly benefit from archery lll though, perhaps take a point out of extra recovery? Considering the diminishing returns from AP, a few points in defensive traits won't really hurt your damage.

Well, at least you got a comparison between your weapon options.


New member
Actually the biggest reason I choose to use the Rogue Class above all else is simply due to the fact I can run across the map a lot faster while I played the first mission of a Warrior and Cleric and they're just too slow for me. I wish that perk would be implemented in all characters maybe minus heavy armored penaltys then I would give it a shot. I normally choose a Rogue Class in any game I play. I prefer DPS (speed + agility) over anything simply because I somewhat have a lack of patience otherwise. Hopefully there will be more strong weapons to come as I feel my Rogue could do so much better.

My main concern is the time it takes to level him up, Does Intelligence trait and wisdom scrolls make that much of a difference? 2, 4, 6, 8% seems such a small of a number to even care. I'm not sure how high a trait can go ( My highest being Agility 7 ) but I plan on focusing on nothing but Agility simply due to the fact it helps Range Weapons, Armor, and light weapons pretty significantly. It took me to untrain my character twice at a warriors guild to figure this out. A Rogue with pure Agility is the best way to go in my understanding.


Not to mention I feel I'm running out of quests to help my leveling up, I did everything from
Recover Lost Item quests, Bounty Quests (they are getting boring so I stopped), Goblin Hunt, The Lost Explorer, Head Hunting, a mysterious letter, gather ingredients, Forgotten Lore, Find Constanze, Don't Shoot the messenger, Hunting bugs, Prisoner of Orcs, A Warriors Honor, Coyote Hunt, I am the best hunter in the world, a fair deal, the seed of trust, a key to the past, spicing things up, Where did I put my sword, Welcome to the House, The Price of Freedom, Spiders Sac, Message on a bottle, Flesh is Weak, an Initiates end, Shaking Bones, Dark Matters, a safe bet, Where is Giles, A mad wizard, sand vermin, smugglers in the night, The best plan, fort assault, a web of terror, safe passage, outstanding apprentice, bullfighting, those in need, restoring the faith, Three vs Eleven, an odd couple, Easy as Pie, The Lost Coven, The World is a Stage, ...and the abyss gazed back, shielding the mind, the poisoned river, the princess of the sea ( I reloaded after I realized I screwed a toad lol I was like NOPE ), Honor Among Thieves, Lost in a good book, the moon children, Human Resources, the snake gang (my favorite of the bank had more money), a wild mystery, secrets of the dead, the restless dead, eye of the tiger,

The only ones I haven't finished are the incompleteables and the prisoners dilemma because I need about 20 potions lol, the collectionist, and Exotic Substances ( I CANT find the bloody mamba fang! After killing 100 of them).

Looking back typing all those quests made me realize how much I've done. I'm running out of quests ain't I. :| anyways any better way to farm XP and Gold? Quests were all I had.


Staff member
You seem to have a plan so knock it out :)

Gloves of the Explorer (from Rumor bosses) might be a good addition. (+3 Def, +7 HP, +10 Fire, Tinkering I, Detection I).

Awareness 2 would give a +1 to Ranged. Awareness 3 would give a +1 to Def. Plus the increases in Perception and Gossip.


New member
Okay I want to make sure I'm understanding perception right, it's ONLY for traps and hidden doors right? If so I find it rather useless as traps don't bother me since I have extra recovery maxed (reason for having recovery maxed in the first place)


Staff member
RadialArcX81":1e4scnkj said:
... My main concern is the time it takes to level him up, Does Intelligence trait and wisdom scrolls make that much of a difference? 2, 4, 6, 8% seems such a small of a number to even care.

Early game, not so much. Late game, somewhat. Keep in mind that a donation to the Church of the Three (click on an City Alter) can give a XP bonus for a week at a time (100 gold for 3%, 500 gold for 5%). There are scrolls that give +15% XP for two days.

Also, Intellect has other benefits than the XP gain. Every 2 points gives an 5% chance with traps, perception. And some scrolls have minimal INT levels to use (Summon Scrolls, Circle of Restoration). Lastly, some quest options are based on INT.

Running Townhall Quests can speed up XP gain. XP from clearing a dungeon + the reward XP. I sometimes will run 5 or 7 at a time, sweeping the areas. Be careful through, too many Townhall Quests at once might mean they timeout simply due to missing rumors.

Hunting down Rumor bosses can locate some nicer equipment.


Staff member
RadialArcX81":2m8yt2e5 said:
... I find it rather useless as traps don't bother me since I have extra recovery maxed (reason for having recovery maxed in the first place)

I follow the reasoning behind just being a beast for damage. Investing 6 skill points into Extra Recovery + Using 1 Hero Omelette gives a player the ability to use Recovery 6 times in a dungeon (2 baseline, 2 from the extra skill and the Omelette gives 6 hours of rests which restores half of a player's recover ability).

But, there's more to traps than total damage. They can hit when your weakest (Recover buttons to spare allows healing early) or just slow you down in a fight (annoying).

Early game, traps are more deadly as a player simply has less healing options and less defense. Somewhere around mid-game they start to become less dangerous and more annoying. By late game, a player can shrug off a few high-level traps.


Staff member
RadialArcX81":3eht1puh said:
Okay I want to make sure I'm understanding perception right, it's ONLY for traps and hidden doors right?
"Perception" as a line item skill is for traps and secret doors. In contrast, "Awareness" and "Intellect" as traits have key roles in a few quests.
