
  1. DarthTomServo

    Endgame Mode

    Hi, this idea just occurred to me but I feel like it's got potential for EK. Full disclosure, this is inspired by Lannegar Mine, Final Fantasy 6 and Terraria. I'm aware something like this has probably been suggested multiple times. Here's my own spin on it anyway, I'll try to make this...
  2. ArkAl

    Endgame, now what?

    I've gotten to the endgame with my level 23 warrior and was wondering is there a challenge left for me other than the pot lord and the demon prince
  3. DarthTomServo

    Post-Arena, Endgame Challenge Bosses

    Disclaimer - this may have been suggested a 100 times already. I did search this forum for "arena" and didn't see this discussed. Taking this update into consideration: So here it is: Any chance we could get challenge bosses in the Arena after becoming champion? The ideas I'm going to list...
