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  1. PetergusParker

    Spoilers Things I like about the game.

    Just going to list off things I like. This has to be among the top 5 games overall on android. It could easily be the best because nobody tries like this. The lore comes from true inspiration and artistry, it's as if I am playing a game made by Tolkien, the reading is always on spot. The game is...
  2. PetergusParker

    Bug: Above max hp

    I was in gorx lair just farming some fire salts when after a battle i noticed I had 271/267 hp. Not sure how much I had when it first happened, didn't change gear or level up or anything, my fire resist is +103, did maybe get healed by an enemy?
  3. PetergusParker

    Shady traveller?

    Hello I managed to find this game again after doing a half playthrough on another device and just slowly making my way through the starting areas. Anyways, second time finding this guy and he had nothing? Is it because I quicksaved before talking to him?
