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  1. A

    Shadows vs. Hirge Retribution

    I noticed that Retribution skill does not work with shadows in the forbidden pit on hirge. They're both undead and outsiders, aren't they, so she should get at least the normal amount. Nothing happens instead.
  2. A

    Doing Ark's reactor with mage?

    So I accidentally played 20h into one mage built on staves and elemental spells, did absolutely fine with my grissenda and did most of the quests aside from the Ark. When I hit level 18, I finally respecced into summoner/staves build and ventured to Ark, while choosing option for evil ending...
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    Quest list sorted by level and difficulty

    Happy holidays! Today I stared at the quest list on wiki trying to find some quest my L10 character could do and found it a bit useless to me. So I made another representation of all the quests the game has with every quest marked with additional info and then sorted by it. To find out...
