Search results

  1. Draklordexilado

    Path of the deer

    E porquê você fez todas que é possível até chegar a floresta anciã, agora você tem que fazer quest " o pai dos lobos" depois disso você consegue terminar as quests " caminho do cervo " e " o último da legião"
  2. Draklordexilado

    New Farm Emerald

    on the new map below the lannegar mine, we can find an average of 10 Golem Guardian lv13, which drops gems. I drop from 3 to 4 every time I go, i rum and broght all and kill together with warrior with cleave skill and melph sword. I want to know if it's worth farming somewhere else and also if...
  3. Draklordexilado

    Question about Vampiric Blade

    Can anyone tell me if the skill Vampiric Blade also applies bônus death damage in wands and staff?
  4. Draklordexilado

    Permafrost Bow drop

    Stun 1 = 6% plus skill archery7% = 13% chance ?
  5. Draklordexilado

    Permafrost Bow drop

    I thought look like permafrost greatsword with paraliz
  6. Draklordexilado

    Permafrost Bow drop

    The atributes
  7. Draklordexilado

    Permafrost Bow drop

    Anyone has a pic of this bow?
