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  1. jtmediaholdings

    "A walker," a character run.

    This is a character of a known death-affiliated build. "...and... live as a death wizard." (the masc sprite does, in fact, change- eh, this will be happening and it is good.) My ethics towards other...
  2. jtmediaholdings


    ...I couldn't help but notice that wizards are all barking mad. I agree. I also noticed that a doppleganger gang killed my grandfather and all his friends, and that a little blue not-smurf known as "lord santa, wicked of trix" appears to be able to cast some form of phantasmal force. Xe...
  3. jtmediaholdings

    Wierd EK trivia.

    Just rolled a new rogue. All the way to lv2, w00t. The wiki notes... +1 bonus to damage at Levels 1,6,12,18 and 24. Did you know that this does not apply to an iron dagger or shortbow? I checked and counted. No idea if the dagger from the garand forsaken hideout behaves the same. If it...
  4. jtmediaholdings

    Minor continuity suggestions...

    1. A couple random spawn points on the bluemist next to the settlement with about a 1% chance each of spawning 1d3 gold pieces would do nothing to change the gameplay, but a fair bit to increase immersion. 2. Amarisa : "this cell doesn't have an anti-magic rune, like yours." Me : Casts mage...
  5. jtmediaholdings

    'The Unholy,' a fluff cleric build...

    'And so I said to him, "in the name of the three, that is to say, the magical sky zombie which crawled out of the grave - Brother, J'anus stinks of rotting flesh!"' I... have had way too much time with this thing. It is that awesome, though. And I assume David will probably not confirm or...
  6. jtmediaholdings

    'Warrior' character build (

    tl;dr, locked out of my account for a couple years, any character that isn't a n00b mage is for an older version. So, naturally, I had a LOT of time on my hands with this game. And I've spent it hunting up easter eggs not listed in the easter egg section of the wiki, of which I delusionally...
  7. jtmediaholdings

    'Soldier' character build (

    I was locked out of my google play account until a few days ago, so the build is formally for version Which I still have on my old tablet; it will be worth trillions someday! :p It's a rogue build, in case one is wondering. Construction : Lv 1 : pick whatever skill from the...
  8. jtmediaholdings

    Two fun issues...

    Just a couple things, neither of which affect my gameplay much. Latest version, downloaded to a new phone about 2 days ago. First, I managed to knock gris out permanently, just north of Jabal. She would not get up, killed every mino, still would not get up. Does not appear to be reproducible...
