Search results

  1. M

    Magical Problems

    the game closes when you use the spell of lightning at level 3
  2. M

    Which class?

    What are the variations of "classes" among the top 3? Could someone tell me?
  3. M

    All Ideas For Mage

    The powers of the magician could be divided into 3 paths: The initial path, with elemental powers, water, fire, earth, air and the junction of these elements. The black path, as quoted above, black magic comes from Varanare other black magicians. And the "enlightened" path, Tremadan's magic...
  4. M

    The Ark Of Lothasan

    Sorry, translation error I'm going to try
  5. M

    The Ark Of Lothasan

    I've already started the quest, but I do not know where I'm going now, the wiki is still missing any information, and Journal says I have to go to the library to find information about the location, I've been to all the libraries I remember, and nothing.
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    The Ark Of Lothasan

    I have no idea how to start The Ark Of Lothasan quest, could anyone help me? In which library do I search for the location?
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    What are the best stats for Rogue as Archer and Assassin?
  8. M

    The Lost Kingdom

    How can i find the Sunken Citadel? When are they going to add the new locations to the map?
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    The Shards of Fates

    No, when I first opened I had a small ruby ​​and money, no more black shard
  10. M

    Companion: Pet

    Can we in the future have any way of taming certain types of creatures? Like wolves or tigers? These creatures could function as an extra companion.
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    The Seventh House

    I can not find the "The Seventh House - Freetown" building, could someone point me where it is? I already have access to it, I did the missions "Welcome to the house" and "Smugglers in the night".
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    Companion: Advanced Skills

    Is it possible for the companion to have advanced skills?
  13. M

    The Shards of Fates

    I have 8 black shards that I got from the other tips of the wiki, but this one specifically I could not, because as I said, the dragon and the black shard from here appear, since I killed the dragon before taking the mission of the shards of fate.
  14. M

    The Shards of Fates

    I killed the dragon Faazvolfrul before taking the mission "the shards of fate", now neither the dragon nor the black shard appear, is there any other way for me to get that black shard? Or did I miss it?
  15. M

    Head Of Itharrak Firedancer

    How exactly can I use the item "Head Of Itharrak The Firedancer"? In addition to the mission "Ancient Verses"
  16. M


    Há algum grupo no whatsapp ou algo do tipo que os jogadores possam interagir mais diretamente? Principalmente algum grupo BR de preferência? Are there any groups in whatsapp or something of the type that players can interact more directly? Mostly any BR group of preference?
  17. M

    I Search For BRs / Procuro Por BRs

    Is there any BR there? I do not know any BR who plays that, anything calls in private. Tem algum BR ai? Eu não conheço nenhum BR que jogue isso, qualquer coisa chama no privado.
  18. M

    Dubious Poetry

    I have a question, I hope you can help me. On the "Dubious Poetry" mission when I tried to extort 5,000 from the Lady, she says I have to go to a meeting with her, near a river to the south, outside the castle, but I can not find the place, could anyone tell me?
  19. M


    I'm sorry for my English, I'm using google translator. In the wiki there is no information on the quest Recover lost item: Seal Ring of House Zolast, where can I find it?
