Search results

  1. F

    What is the average natural lifespan of a muud'ari?

    By natural because they lost the technology that I assume grants them a long life. Just asking these question to know if the protagonist is still alive during the time of archaelund.
  2. F

    What does your forum user name mean?

    It means that I'm too lazy to think of a proper username
  3. F

    Question about "Bloodlust"

    Bloodlust is good if you're fighting an army
  4. F

    best melee weapon(s) - Void Lord weapons

    For me the best melee is adamantite greatsword and demonclaw
  5. F

    Multiplayer in Freetown arena or weekly challenge

    Would be nice if we can fight each other on arena or maybe we can fight challengers weekly in arena
  6. F

    Strongest character

    Maybe in lore the strongest humans are the gods but in game I think the strongest of all is sargos because of his monstrous Stat I think that he is stronger than anyone if they are the same lvl as him. he can probably defeat two giants without equipment I tried to fight him in arena with my lvl...
  7. F

    Strongest character

    I honestly I think that sargos is the strongest character because he is only level 14 but he can deal damage of 21-30 with only his bare hands imagine if he's level 20 to 30 or maybe if he had armor and weapons
  8. F

    An unknown minotaur god?

    If I remember correctly stridsibum said that used to have aa master
  9. F

    An unknown minotaur god?

    Stridsibum the goblin?
  10. F

    Origin of orcs?

    I think the elves in the ek is fey I don't know where I've read it but it says that some humans from the empire continent that came into varannar breed with them and become the varannari
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    Archaelund new trailer and screenshots

    M Maybe it would be like Renaissance
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    Archaelund new trailer and screenshots

    I hope that it will be on mobile
  13. F

    My Troll Cousin did this thread.

    Your username sounds trustworthy
  14. F

    Archealund Release Date?

    What about mobile version?
  15. F

    Archaelund (now updated with screenshots and video!)

    Can character career be promoted like squire becoming a knight etc
  16. F

    Archaelund (now updated with screenshots and video!)

    How many class does archaelund have?
  17. F

    Spoilers Ultimate Lore Compendium

    I wonder what happened to hirge I mean she could just use teleportation scrolls or maybe something attacked them while traveling
  18. F

    Spoilers Ultimate Lore Compendium

    I think she made deal with demons or some evil stuff
