Search results

  1. W

    Tesur Flowers

    I've found the one in the Great Inori... I looked and eventually did a raster search in the following areas: Northern Inori North and South Jabal Hills Synardun Oasis Deadwood So basically everywhere where I think that there is a rock surrounded by a wee bit of sand... still came up empty. Did...
  2. W

    Thank you...

    ... for the poisoned river quest. That was really fun, intelligently constructed and challenging... Well done!!! :D :D :D
  3. W

    How to raise reputation with the three

    I would like to do the quest which (in theory) is offered by Brother Iagus in New Anthur Bay. In theory, because it requires a reputation of +25 with the Three. As much as I am aware of, I have done all the Three related tasks in the game and end up at +22 only. Did I miss anything? Are there...
  4. W

    there are no stupid questions...

    ... one said, when I used to play RPGs. Well, that was about 30 years ago and when I came across this game, it was like a flashback that got me hooked instantly. However: In my time there used to be a users guide, in which the access to different things was explained. Maybe I have overlooked it...
