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  1. B

    Bug: Breath of life affecting the wrong allies

    I was initially going to make this post about the ongoing issue that the Breath of life spell still isn't checking range in combat (so either the description or effect needs to be changed) However, I ran in a very strange situation while using it. I was fighting the Nightmare panther and my...
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    Thread for minor area issues: getting stuck, passing through objects, visual glitches.

    I noticed that next to two of the braziers in the Brem fight, there is a tile that looks like it is accessible, however when you try to click on it, it becomes inaccessible for no reason.
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    New Phone, Saves Are Wrong

    If you still have your old phone, manually do a cloud or offline save now and then load it in your new phone. Probably your cloud save was just outdated and a few days behind.
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    The future of the exiled

    The new game "Archaelund" is about the old continent. It takes place around 100 years after the events of EK, when the kingdoms begin expanding towards the ruins of the old continent and rebuilding civilization there. So the continuation of the story doesn't take place in EK but in the next game.
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    Pages that share their name with multiple different things

    Yes, that solution for the seashells is good in my opinion. The seashells are all pretty much the same, except for a different picture and selling price, so having a separate page for each would be excessive and confusing. It is just something that needs to be looked at on a case by case situation.
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    Toxic Resistance

    If it negates toxic each round then I expect it to work the same as fire, cold and shock work. So there might just be very few items that can block this kind of damage currently in the game.
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    Party Build Discussion / Review

    They are also the only career currently in the game that gets 2 traits at level 6, as they increase both STR and PER. And while PER might not be the most useful for a melee character, having an extra bonus trait point is always nice to have. At that point they have 6 PER, which does open...
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    Look at this!

    There is no cap on it because this was never meant as a healing source, so even from minor elemental damage sources you can reach any amount of health that you wish. I assume that at a certain amount it might cap or crash because of an overflow error, but you would really need to wait around for...
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    Conjurer Tank

    Yeah, I also experimented with a Conjurer tank, with the idea of using it as a dodge build and then shift it to a dodge career at a later point. Mainly taking advantage of the high dodge chance of Barrier of force and Precognition to evade enemy assaults. But I came to the same conclusion as...
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    Mistakes in the wiki

    No problem, you aren't the first one that accidentally posted in the wrong place. I moved your thread to the EK threads. For EK wiki help you can ask on this thread: Exiled Kingdoms Wiki - do you want to become an editor?
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    Mistakes in the wiki

    If you want to help fixing issues in the Archaelund wiki, you can request to help here: How to contribute to Archaelund Wiki You don't automatically get access to make changes, but you have to request to have a wiki account. Because this is a newer game, there is still a lot of info missing, so...
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    EK Plushies is there any?

    That's the first time that I have heard that idea. What would you even make a plushie about? The only thing that I can think of is Mirmek plushie or something? If you want to cuddle with a giant bug.
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    EK Changelog

    I guess that thread just had the wrong link attached to it. You can find the changelog on Exiled Kingdoms - Changelog
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    Wait some boss can actually spawn more than once or this was never added?

    No, he just respawned if you killed him before the upgrade. This was added because he had a new drop added (the cloak of the bear) and otherwise people that killed him before the upgrade wouldn't be able to get it. He won't respawn if you kill him now.
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    Traits increased?

    Are you playing on iOS? Because this update isn't on iOS so you'll only be able to upgrade your traits to 10 there. If you are playing on android or steam, you should be able to upgrade your traits to 12. So make sure that you have enough points to do so in that case.
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    Can you defeat Undermother(unweakened) in Iron Man?

    Yes, it is possible. Intervention Hirge is sturdy but not impossible to beat, and she has a rather low damage output so using her means that you need to compensate for that low damage. What build are you using? Bringing the right weapons and resistances is vital because the unweakened...
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    I wish I can play this game in android how much GB does it have?

    Currently the size of the game is around 16GB, although the game really doesn't work on phones. Even if you ignore the issue that the controls aren't meant for mobile, it will run with a terrible performance. So no, you can't play it on your phone and most likely you won't be able to do so. (At...
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    The massacre of the Emerrand fortress + audio bug

    While doing the fights at the Emerrand fortress, I noticed something interesting that I didn't notice in my first playthrough because I skipped the fights outside. There are npcs wandering around the fortress, who can't be attacked but do have a statline. This of course, piqued my interest, as...
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    Fun and intense Yaksa fight

    I just had a really fun Yaksa fight, and I thought I should share it. To set the scene, this battle took place with my full minotaur party, bringing Girdean and Marietta as companions. I was cleaning up the forest on the other side of the river when I stumbled on a large pack of Yaksa. Even...
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    Party Build Discussion / Review

    What build did you use for your witch? Because in my experience, witches work best if you don't build them like a usual caster. Because of Arcane blood and Totemic might, you can build a witch like 2h melee fighter with good END and STR. The Escape spell can be used to compensate for the lower...
