Recent content by Tordak Karamas

  1. Tordak Karamas

    Ankh's Mistake

    When I took off the gloves from the corpse of an angry troll, I was treated, and the Ankh was still in the bag. There were no emergency healings after that, so Ankh was in the inventory, so I'm sure.
  2. Tordak Karamas

    Ankh's Mistake

    1. No, I can't and I don't want to. 2. These trolls didn’t beat me so hard with a club, naturally in the inventory. 3. Health reached the mark of rage, but did not fall below.
  3. Tordak Karamas

    Ankh's Mistake

    Good day, exiles. Yesterday my hardcore for a warrior ended in death. I died the death of brave legionnaires, dying from disgusting trolls. My Ankh didn't save me from an unexpected death, although it was definitely in the bag. What is this evil joke on the first of April? Help.
