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    • NTiK
      NTiK reacted to AndyVali's post in the thread Fanart - Grissenda the warrior with Like Like.
      I just wanted to draw something of her being the tank she is, hurt but still defending with her shield
    • NTiK
      NTiK replied to the thread Debate sobre Amarisa.
      Também concordo. Inclusive, eu achava que ela ia ser liberada como tal. No mais, acredito que ela seria incrível para um post game...
    • NTiK
      NTiK replied to the thread Sorrow Mod.
      I have not, what is this?
    • NTiK
      NTiK posted the thread Multiplayer and some bugs in Support.
      How nice it would be if besides playing with a companion we could play with a human friend. And, about bugs sometimes some NPCs are not...
    • NTiK
      NTiK replied to the thread Ark of Lothasan.
      Man, ark is hard. Like really. I've played a lot times and beat the game just one time with a wand mage and iron golem. So, relax. Do...
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