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    • marcoauju
      marcoauju posted the thread Varannari in General Forum.
      Is there a possibility of reducing the requirement for the last Varannari quests in the future? It needs to be 25. I made mistakes in...
    • marcoauju
      marcoauju replied to the thread scroll of time.
      Obrigado pela resposta. Mas, eu me refiro a itens únicos. Eu acidentalmente vendi o lenço ensanguentado do ladino. Era um item único. Eu...
    • marcoauju
      marcoauju reacted to BattleLord's post in the thread scroll of time with Like Like.
      You can always reroll back in time by just resetting to an earlier save. But if that isn't possible then you can buy back your items as...
    • marcoauju
      marcoauju posted the thread scroll of time in General Forum.
      Is there any way to do unique quests again? I accidentally sold a unique item and I want it back. Idea: they could create a time...
    • marcoauju
      marcoauju posted the thread Reputation in General Forum.
      I made some wrong decisions on my journey. But I really want to do the new missions, but I don't have a reputation with the Varannari...
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