Beta 0.6 is finished.


Staff member
This is what was added/changed through the three months of builds that led from Alpha 0.5 to Beta 0.6.

This version is the first to become a public release.

-Skills revamp and expansion.Some skills will be dependant on equipment (Shield Bash), others will be customizable, and present you with tactical choices. Rogues will be able to set traps, and lure enemies to them, for instance. Warriors will be able to charge through enemies. Of course, some enemies will begin using these skills against you as well!
Status: Done!

-Dungeons will be more interesting. Secret doors, traps, levers, bridges... the rogue will have some work to do, finally!
Status: Done!

-Character Stats.In the Alpha, many mechanics were simplistic or hidden from the player. Things like, damage increasing per level automatically, as do HP or mana, based on the class you picked, or the skills you picked. Now there will be a six-stats system, (Strenght, Endurance, Dexterity, Intellect, Awareness, Personality). Through those skills, you'll have different % chances of finding hidden things, hearing rumors, or detecting someone is lying to you in a conversation. Your character class will give you an initial distribution of stats, but as you level, you can choose to go with a "recommended" stat increase, or try for yourself more specialized or challenging builds.
Status: Done!

-More interesting items. The above point has many ramifications, and one of the best is the variety it'll bring to equipment. As of now, item bonuses are merely giving combat stats. But now you'll find far more interesting items, like for instance, Gloves of Luck can add +15% to disarm traps, or a Ring of the Brute, +2 Strenght and -2 Intellect, etc.  

-Ranged attacks. this is obviously a must. My idea for aiming at targets is, if you are wielding a bow or casting, replace the attack button with a directional gamepad, that allows you to rotate your aiming. Maybe I'll show a short beam around the character, so you can aim more finely, as sprites only show 8 directions.
Status: Done!

-Factions system expanded. As of now, it's not very versatile. Once fully implemented, guards of a certain town may attack you on sight if your faction is very low, and yes, you'll be able to kill civilians or guards as well. Furthermore, some monsters will be on factions as well... maybe you can be friends with the minotaurs or hobgoblins!
Status: Done!

-General improvements. Things like banking, improved inn or a new Skills UI.
Status: Done!

-Game modes You'll be able to play an easy or hardcore mode, and also an ironman variant in which death is permanent. Each mode will have its own leaderboard.
Status: Done!


Staff member
Re: Next version features (Beta 0.6)

Edited to explain the definitive feature list for Beta 0.6.


Staff member
Re: Next version features (Beta 0.6)

An update on what I'm working on.

Rogue and Warrior skills are ready, Cleric skills mostly ready.

I am working on AI to be able to use skills, like Stab, Whirlwind, Heal Wounds. First I'll have it tested on companions, then I'll add them to enemies.

Companion rogues that have the Trap Master skill, now try to disarm traps.

Also, I keep adding secrets to existing dungeons.
