Questions and Class Help


New Member
Hello. I had a few questions and also some help with the classes.

Each point of END grants +1 hit point/level

Body Development:
Each point of Endurance grants you 1.5hp/level
Each point of Strength grants you 1hp/level
Each point of Endurance grants you 2hp/level

Are these retroactive? Or is it better to get endurance up and get Body Development early, to maximize your HP gain?

How important are trait checks? I see a lot of them listed, some mandatory. Should one boost Int, Awa, and Per earlier on, pending it's not needed for your class, to be able to get the trait checks? Does this take away from points going into other traits if needed? I read a post that said 3 is enough in each, then you can use stat boosting items. That ends up requiring a lot of item swapping and knowing when each check will come up.

I'm having trouble picking a class and playing. I started with a 2h Warrior and got to about level 15. I hit a wall where it felt so grindy. Would take all my healing to barely get through a dungeon. I was playing solo at first, then took along Hirge, but her mana runs out fast.

I'm now playing a Rogue, but not enjoying the class as much. Feel so squishy, trying to get my companion in the fight first, then getting the backstab damage feels tedious. It is nice being able to discover secrets and traps, as well as disarm them.

I've though about trying a sword & shield warrior with hand weapons (since there are so many and it feels like they'd go to waste otherwise). Reading posts, also seems light is a good way to go. More armor.

I've also thought about trying a Cleric. I've read posts about how OP they can be. Either through healing or Intervention. You can kind of just face tank through everything. Then there's the debate of light, hand, or 2h, with that build. Hand seems kind of weak for the most part. As they can really only use Maces, then a few swords. Light limits you to hammers and dagger, to which, the former are few and seem weak. 2h only leaves you with Mauls.

I tend to play melee classes, as I like to be beefy and face roll through things. Depending on the game, I'll also play a mage.

Any advice or help would be great. Thanks :)


I answer several questions.

1. No, when to point stats doesn't effect total hp or others.

2. It is important for both quest and game play. But it can be reset, so don't worry about how to point and just do your build.

3. I think cleric is a good class, but the most op class is warrior. Every class has pros and cons, such as cleric is good for surviving but has low dps compared to other classes, warrior has the highest dps but doesn't have lvl up advantages in dps, and not have utility skills so hard to detect doors and traps, etc.


Staff member
The Body Development skill is retroactive, you'll gain hp for your current trait value no matter at what level you learned the skill.


New Member
Thank you both for your replies.

Good to know about the stats and body development.

I ended up going with a hand & shield warrior. I have Hirge with light & shield. Actually enjoying it a lot more than the 2h build.
