Report *TEXT & TRANSLATION* issues here


Staff member
This thread is for reporting issues with the game text, be it translated or not. This includes any error in the text, not just linguistic errors but also color format and wrong/outdated text in one of the translations.

EDIT: originally the thread was only about translation, you can notify now english grammar/typos as well.

You can add many reports in just one post. Please no off-topic discussion in this thread, it needs to remain clean.

Please follow this template:

*Language: ---
*Location of the problem: ---
*Wrong text: ---
*Suggested resolution: ---

Screenshots are not required unless you have no other way to describe the problem. If it's a coloring/formatting issue, I'll probably be able to spot it as soon as you point me to the failing line.

Examples of reports:
*Language: Spanish
*Location of the problem: Statue in NG sewers.
*Wrong text: grammar error in line:
"¡Ja! Te había entendido. Escucha, apuesto a que ésto tiene que ver con...."
*Suggested resolution: replace "ésto" with "esto"


*Language: Portuguese
*Location of the problem: Journal, The Dead God quest.
*Wrong text: there is a color error (white text) in line:
"O Bispo Bareid em Nivarian vem tendo visões sobre a Coroa de Tol...."
*Suggested resolution: fix it!
Note for active/incomplete translations: use this thread if the file is already moved to "loaded into EK" folder, otherwise you can just edit the file.

A Shady Traveler

Re: Report *TRANSLATION* issues here

*Language: Portuguese
*Location of the problem: item Potion of Lesser Restauration
*Wrong text: translated title "Poção da Restoração Menor"
*Suggested resolution: Move word "Menor" right after "Poção", replace "da" with "de" and replace "Restoração" with "Restauração". SO it will be like "Poção Menor de Restauração"


*Language: Portuguese
*Location of the problem: item Scroll of Greater Wisdom
*Wrong text: translated title "Pergaminho da Sabedoria Maior"
*Suggested resolution: Move word "Maior" right after "Pergaminho". So it will be like "Pergaminho Maior da Sabedoria"


*Language: Portuguese
*Location of the problem: item Scroll of Lesser Wisdom
*Wrong text: translated title "Pergaminho da Sabedoria Menor"
*Suggested resolution: Move word "Menor" right after "Pergaminho".


*Language: Portuguese
*Location of the problem: item Scroll: Summon Dire Wolf
*Wrong text: translated title "Pergaminho: Sumonar Lobo Atroz"
*Suggested resolution: Replace "Sumonar" with "Conjurar" and replace "Atroz" with "Feroz". So it will be like "Pergaminho: Conjurar Lobo Feroz"

*Language: Portuguese
*Location of the problem: item Scroll: Summon Dire Wolf
*Wrong text: translated description text "Um Lobo Atroz nível 7 o protegerá por 60 segundos."
*Suggested resolution: Replace "Atroz" with "Feroz"


*Language: Portuguese
*Location of the problem: item Scroll: Summon Earth Elemental
*Wrong text: translated title "Pergaminho: Sumonar Elemental de Terra"
*Suggested resolution: Replace "Sumonar" with "Conjurar".


*Language: Portuguese
*Location of the problem: item Scroll: Turn Undead
*Wrong text: translated description "Paraliza por 4 segundos todos mortos-vivos inimigos em 4 metros de raio."
*Suggested resolution: Replace "em 4 metros de raio" with "num raio de 4 metros".


*Language: Portuguese
*Location of the problem: item Lesser Shield of Life
*Wrong text: translated title "Escudo da Vida Menor"
*Suggested resolution: Move "Menor" right after "Escudo".


*Language: Portuguese
*Location of the problem: item Belts (in general)
*Wrong text: translated description "Porque magia potente pode vir dentro de moda."
*Suggested resolution: Replace "dentro de moda" with "com estilo".

A Shady Traveler

Re: Report *TRANSLATION* issues here

*Language: Portuguese
*Location of the problem: Journal, Spider's sacks quest.
*Wrong text: title and quest description is not translated in my journal!?
*Suggested resolution: it's already translated in Ek Loaded File Quests2


*Language: Portuguese
*Location of the problem: Journal, Fort Assault quest.
*Wrong text: grammar error in line: "Eu liderei o ataque para o forte orc"
*Suggested resolution: replace "para o" with "ao"


*Language: Portuguese
*Location of the problem: Journal, Outstanding Apprentiece quest.
*Wrong text: grammar error in line: "Eu devolvi Dartos seu anél"
*Suggested resolution: place word "a" between "devolvi" and "Dartos" (it will be "devolvi a Dartos")


*Language: Portuguese
*Location of the problem: Journal, Mighter than the Sword quest.
*Wrong text: grammar error in line: "Eu permiti que o espírito do escribadescanse em paz"
*Suggested resolution: replace "escribadescanse" with "escriba descanse"


*Language: Portuguese
*Location of the problem: Journal, The Restless Dead quest.
*Wrong text: grammar error in line: "Eu dei um enterro digno ao Sir Mofados"
*Suggested resolution: replace "ao" with "a"


*Language: Portuguese
*Location of the problem: Journal, Dark Matters quest.
*Wrong text: title: "Assuntos Negros"
*Suggested resolution: replace "Negros" with "Sombrios"


Staff member
Re: Report *TRANSLATION* issues here

A Shady Traveler":s8wz6iir said:
*Language: Portuguese
*Location of the problem: Journal, Spider's sacks quest.
*Wrong text: title and quest description is not translated in my journal!?
*Suggested resolution: it's already translated in Ek Loaded File Quests2

The file was not loading because it was named spiders_sac missing the final "k". It was probably an error during the manual processing here.

As I had an unexpected technical issue that kept me working on a final bug all day, we're in time to add all these fixes to the "definitive" build 1061.


Re: Report *TRANSLATION* issues here

*Language: Portuguese
*Location of the problem: Item Hardened Leather Cap
*Wrong text: Couro cozido e endurecido. Realmente protege bem, mas cheira engraçado
*Suggested resolution: Replace "mas cheira engraçado" with "mas tem um cheiro estranho"

*Language: Portuguese
*Location of the problem: Item Hardened Leather Boots
*Wrong text: Couro cozido e endurecido. Realmente protege bem, mas cheira engraçado
*Suggested resolution: Replace "mas cheira engraçado" with "mas tem um cheiro estranho"

*Language: Portuguese
*Location of the problem: Item Hardened Leather Leggings
*Wrong text: Couro cozido e endurecido. Realmente protege bem, mas cheira engraçado
*Suggested resolution: Replace "mas cheira engraçado" with "mas tem um cheiro estranho"

*Language: Portuguese
*Location of the problem: Loot
*Wrong text: The word "loot" was not translated
*Suggested resolution: loot = pilhar, saquear

*Language: Portuguese
*Location of the problem: Combat Log
*Wrong text: When enemies hit you, show the text: "você acerto enemy name"
*Suggested resolution: Change to "Você acertou enemy name"

*Language: Portuguese
*Location of the problem: Combat Log
*Wrong text: When you hit enemies, show the text: "enemy name acertos você "
*Suggested resolution: Change to "enemy name acertou você"

The same combat log error above occurs with the Companion text


Re: Report *TRANSLATION* issues here

*Language: German
*Location of the problem: Tower of Tremadan, Lab Table (Sheet name = E10_lab_table.xlsx, row 6)
*Wrong text: Da du bereits die Spezialtasche fertiggestellt hast, gibt es hier nichts interessantes mehr.
*Suggested resolution: Replace Spezialtasche with Tasche der Verwahrung. Replace interessantes with Interessantes

*Language: German
*Location of the problem: Tower of Tremadan, Lab Table (Sheet name = E10_lab_table.xlsx, row 17)
*Wrong text: Zuerst denkst du, dass es nur eine schicke imperiale Designer-Tasche ist, aber bald entdeckst du, dass man Gegenstände darin verstauen kann, die viel größer sind, als die Tasche selbst. Dies ist eine sagenhafte [BLUE]Spezialtasche[], auf die du von deinem Charakterbildschirm aus zugreifen kannst, indem du auf eine Schaltfläche rechts unten klickst.
*Suggested resolution: Replace Spezialtasche with Tasche der Verwahrung


Re: Report *TRANSLATION* issues here

*Language: Portuguese
*Location of the problem: Journal, Town Hall Quest
*Wrong text: Você descobriu algo sobre o Goblin Beastmaster Grick, está localizado em Floresta Sagar Sul, near the road, to the northwest
*Suggested resolution: replace the phrase with "perto da estrada, a noroeste"


Staff member
Re: Report *TRANSLATION* issues here

wolf":24fqscx5 said:
*Language: Portuguese
*Location of the problem: Journal, Town Hall Quest
*Wrong text: Você descobriu algo sobre o Goblin Beastmaster Grick, está localizado em Floresta Sagar Sul, near the road, to the northwest
*Suggested resolution: replace the phrase with "perto da estrada, a noroeste"

This one is not exactly a translation problem, it is the last remnant of non-localized text in the game. EDIT: I already had the translations done, but forgot to implement them. My apologies.


Staff member
Re: Report *TRANSLATION* issues here

Reporting a couple things I just fixed in case you were about to list them here: (PT) dialogues with Riella and Lady Xidar had a problem with the file and were not loading. Fixed now.


Re: Report *TRANSLATION* issues here

About two hours of gaming has passed, and I noticed many misplaced lines of English text on the Portuguese translation. In the first two, I took screenshots to post them, but after seeing there was more, and more frequently on the texts given by the taverns when I went deep on geting gossip tips about town quests, I noticed that most of the translation problems I encountered so far (not all of them, but most of them) was on the deepest "layer" of gossip - in other words: the first two translated clues are often correctly placed, but the third ones are still in English. Hope it helps spoting the issue.
