Some questions about trap


New Member
Hello again David, i have some questions for you:

1) is there a way to mitigate traps damage?

2)lvl7 spike trap have the highest dmg at the moment? Yesterday it took me 77hp.

3) Spike trap damage is based in the maximum hp someone have, or it have a fixed damage?

3)Revelation scrolls reveal all the traps 10m around you, os just work with secret doors/itens?

4) Warrior Rage skill atm is pointless, cause is dangerous walk inside dungeons under 70% hp. Any plan to buff it?

5) Is there a cap level atm?


Staff member
1) is there a way to mitigate traps damage?

Not much. Only armor.

2)lvl7 spike trap have the highest dmg at the moment? Yesterday it took me 77hp.

there's much higher level traps around, but the most lethal ones, often have clues on their placement. There's a place with level 20 traps, but you're supposed to find a way to avoid them.

3) Spike trap damage is based in the maximum hp someone have, or it have a fixed damage?

Damage is calculated according to trap level, but the level is random within a min and max range. For instance, some traps have a fixed level of 4. some are between 2 and 5.

Max damage formula: Spike Trap base damage (8) x Trap Level , +20% if you play on Hard or Iron Man.

So max damage should be 67, not 77. and the actual damage will be a random number between half and full damage, so it will do 34-67.

Bear Traps do only 4 base damage, but they have a slow effect. Eventually I'll add many other kinds of traps.

3)Revelation scrolls reveal all the traps 10m around you, os just work with secret doors/itens?

Traps too, but it has a failure chance. However it will go up in next update (to 85%)

4) Warrior Rage skill atm is pointless, cause is dangerous walk inside dungeons under 70% hp. Any plan to buff it?

I may make some changes to Fury, there were some good ideas in the suggestions forum by another player, but I doubt Fury will ever be a good skill for Ironman games. Ironman is a different animal, some skills like Intervention or Evasion are great, others may be bad choices. Furious people tend to die.

5) Is there a cap level atm?

there is an engine level cap of 25, but there's content appropiate for level 12 atm.

however, level 12 takes considerably longer than you may believe, it is not "twice the time of getting to 6", it is much more. Currently people achieve it after 25 hours of gameplay. the few people that have gone to 15+, did it because there were a couple quest exploits in previous versions :mrgreen:
